I Wanted Everyone's Opinion On This.
Should You Be Able To Stack Warlocks Curse Up To 3 Times On A Single target For A Total Of /20/40/60 % If You Stack it On a Single Target.
I Don't Have Much More To Say Then This.What Do You All Think About This?
Already stupid enough that they changed CW to be a boss nuker for no apparent reason. Makes no sense.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
> SW just needs some small improvements. Creeping death needs improved, Damnation capstone improved. A few powers improved. It's in a better spot than ever before now.
Damnation definitely needs some more fluffing.
Creeping Death isn’t very compatible with a speed-kill meta, but any adjustments need to front-load its damage rather than simply add more of it, because SW is really quite strong already.
Alternatively Cryptic could scrap the multiplicative buff system in the future and stop allowing players to further trivialize content with extreme buff stacking (thus leaving more room for DoT effects to compete) but I suspect we wouldn’t see a change like that until next level cap increase, if ever.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Twiddle their thumbs, become a buffbot to pass the time, and pray that the based dev gods make SW not underwhelming comparative to other DPS classes?
oh wait...
I'd rather have them make TC a buff rather than a debuff and stackable with WC.
But I would love so many other things too. Like on damnation, if every time any encounter hits a target, an extra puppet shows up from behing and does an additional wraith claw hit on it. Would be so cool, feeling like a GWF