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About the CTA Purple Guard Drake

omegix#7509 omegix Member Posts: 1 Arc User
This is going to sound dumb to a lot of you guys but here goes.

I know RNG is RNG. From what I understand, the Purple Guard Drake drops from the chest at the end of the runs. I keep up with how many runs I do according to how many chill dye packs I have in my inventory, and I am nearing on 5 stacks of 99 dye packs now.

What gives? Is my RNG that bad? Am I doing something wrong? I go in the run, light a fire, kill mobs and try to get highest damage done, do Frastr, and then go to the chest at the end to collect the reward and then i'm out to queue again.

Honestly at this point I can care less about my coins, and I feel like I am bugged from the mount or something. I don't know what to think, so what do you guys think?


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    vincentr6669vincentr6669 Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    I got 3 mounts in the first day from running 8 different characters and no more mounts since then (a shame since i wanted to get 5 more mounts to the remaining characters).
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    greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,115 Arc User
    I've gotten 2 since the event started across 9 characters.
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    polaris1986polaris1986 Member Posts: 320 Arc User
    I got 3 mounts in the first day from running 8 different characters

    nice. Wanted a horn for my twinky DC 11 runs- still haven't.
    also haven't a drake as well.

    also haven't any normal drop on Semril for all twinks.
    also scary to opens charmed boxes with VIP keys.
    also no good drop from any dungeons. of any twinks.

    seems like rndom forgot me.
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    callumf#9018 callumf Member Posts: 1,710 Arc User
    That sucks badly.

    I think I got my Purple Mount after about 6 CTAs on day one. It is kind of stupid that I got mine so easily, and I really dont need it, and the OP up there really wants/needs it and it wont drop for them!

    RNG really is a evil controller
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Ive gotten 2.. i dont even care about them, its a purple skin on a drake I have account wide (which they now also give you on the dragonborn pack, but I already owned it)

    so that is 2 out of .. oh whatever.. 150 runs or something akin to that.
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    vincentr6669vincentr6669 Member Posts: 235 Arc User

    I got 3 mounts in the first day from running 8 different characters and no more mounts since then (a shame since i wanted to get 5 more mounts to the remaining characters).

    Got 3 more purple drakes since january 27 (still want 2 more but event ending in the next hours).

    Also got a Blue/Rare Alliance Battle Horn for each of my 8 characters.
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    pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    I think the drake is the seasonal mount, not specific to this CTA. While we won't know until a month, but I think only the mini Frastr is unique to this event, the horns and drake will be seasonwide.
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    belmordebbelmordeb Member Posts: 5 Arc User

    I have 3 characters myself. 2 at lvl 70 and one at lvl 13. I started this event on the first day and by the second I had 2 drakes, one on each of my 70's. I had not yet started with my lvl 13. On the third day, so much complaining about the tokens, I still played my level 13. after playing for the full 3 days, plus the added days, my level 70 did not received the drake again. Not a problem.

    Now, with my level 13, I played over 160 matches, ended up with thousands of the little coins, attained level 42 and not one darn drake. I played all day yesterday and well into the night until there were only 7 hours left in the event. I had to get some sleep so I could be functional to drive my wife to work. So I went to bed disappointed. I know you guys did that hot fix to fix the event, but what you did for the drake, is really upsetting. From reading this thread, so many people wasted hours and days of their life in your game to achieve that drake mount and get nothing for their effort.

    My level 70's didnt actually need that mount, but my level 13 did. I hope you don't do this again and make it impossible to acquire a item. I received so many horns, little frazer dude, insane amount of dyes, even many ancient curios. No drake. Really a shame. Fun event, but now at the end, I have to give it a 2 star rating outta 5. I don't know what the big deal is, it's a bound mount, can't sell it to make AD's, so why can't we work hard and get one for each character if we choose to take the time and grind it out??? If we could sell the mount, I can understand the low drop chance, but we can't.

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    vincentr6669vincentr6669 Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    The drake is bound account, this means you can (or could) transfer it from one character to another.
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    kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    I got the mount on my 2nd run. Didn't even know it dropped until I got it.
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