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Returning player concerns

amaranthos20amaranthos20 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
edited December 2018 in General Discussion (PC)
Hey everyone, returning player here.

Think Mod 5 or 6, back when lvl cap was 60, "VIP" wasn't really a thing yet, guilds as they are now did not exist, and my favorite dungeon, Throne of Idris, (along with several others) still existed.

I loved this game to death. Combat was...and still is...far superior to combat mechanics in any other game in any other genre, console or PC. That's quite a compliment. Even if you didn't get xp for it, you wanted to log on to your favorite class just to kill stuff or go back and run early dungeons, just because it was a blast.

Now. Now...Mod 15 just recently dropped, and I chose this particular time to get my wife hooked on the game and come back myself. She has played around with several classes: paladin, ranger, rogue, wizard...but has now settled on and capped a GF. She loves it, and I don't blame her, it's a solid...albeit rediculously broken...class.

I tried hopping back on my main,...I say main, I have one of each class at the OLD lvl cap of 60...the CW. And it was awful. I can barely complete content anymore. What's worse, I can barely survive Sharandar and Dread Ring content by the skin of my teeth, two campaigns that I've long had completed.

So I quickly capped a GWF, remembering how those were always top do, and I see that five or so mods later, they I'm fact do still trivialize content. But it's not "fun," because I'm a CW at heart and in how I think and strategize and position and play.

So I've spent the past full month researching every corner of the internet in excruciating detail, every other class in the game. And here's the rotation: I find a very well done class guise, get excited, notice the date is too old for my comfort, check Mod 15 Dev patch notes as they are always the most recent, perform the "not-sure-if" face, read the player feedback on said patch notes, and descend into the pit of despair and conclude not just certain builds but that class itself is dead.

The problem is that, I have now been through that cycle with every single class. I've even maxed several move anyway, just to see for myself if what's being said in feedback is correct or not, and overwhelmingly it is.

So I'm posting here to ask, other than DC or GWF, and possibly OP if I want to invest the next year into building a halfway decent one, is there actually any reason for me to come back? Should I not have gotten my wife invested in the game? I'm desperately trying to settle on a class that will compliment her tank...not do...specced GF, and I simply cannot find one other than the GWF, which I refused to play in the past as a CW, and refuse to play now even though I raised a fairly decent one.

I like the jack of all trades, sub-dps, minor buff, minor debuff, minor CC(...?) role of HR, but it sounds like the class gets more and more broken as time goes on. Same for pally...I was pretty excited when I read about the Burnadin, only for the original author to flatly state "the Burnadin is dead" after months of trying to save the build. My first, great, and only true love, the CW, appears to have been stuffed into an "odds and ends" class box in the attic by the devs, and that blow alone is sapping my will to even attempt logging the toon again.

So, what now? Where do I go from here?
"90% of the community in this game uses about .02% of their usable brain functions. When they all combine, they actually have .01%, because stupid people in large groups spread their stupidity." -- Discombobulator
Post edited by amaranthos20 on


  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited December 2018
    the cw isn't a high dps toon but it's a solid and sought after buffer as a mof. the templock remains viable and sought after .the hr class is fine. the ac dc is a mainstay. and from what you describe I think you left between mod 5 and 6
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User
    Uh, might want to think back to around Mod 6. I started between 6 and 7. Level 70 has always been max since I started.

    Play with all the classes until you settle on one you really like. Rebuild your characters. Chase the boons you do not yet have. Get more current gear.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • hercules125hercules125 Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    I'd suggest playing a number of classes to see if any of them you like. I agree that CW is difficult to play until they are fairly well geared. But then, I didn't much care for the class even back in mod 5, so to each his own. A little too squishy for my taste.

    GWF - very easy to play, high dps and high survivability. Some people claim it's boring, I don't agree.
    HR - high dps as a combat, my favorite atm.
    DC - wanted in every group, just depends on if you like playing support
    OP - also wanted in every group, very tanky, just somewhat low dps when soloing
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    CW can be a little squishy at times but with a good build can deal damage and run through any content.

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NtLmerlR1CmkuawMplE5ZhG-y67b_gkp/edit <- good mod 15 guide

    I recommend learning about the mount insignia bonuses and getting Slayer's Redemption bonus. As long as you are killing mobs, you are getting a steady dose of healing. Really helps.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User

    If your toons are Lvl 60, they are not going to survive long in the old cap zones, because the monsters were bumped up to level 70 - 73 when the cap was raised. There is a guy on a horse, Capt. Belgold, across from the mailbox near the tavern in PE. He gives quests that lead up to the Underdark/Maze Engine campaigns. Just north of the Coster Market is a tree. UNder the tree is a Druid that gives quests for the Elemental Evil campaign. These are what your level 60 toons should be running. Blue gear is super cheap on the AH, and there are some good deals on Comps & artifact equipment as well. Also, there have been some changes to the way powers work over the last couple of years. You should probably look at a few guides on the MMO sites to see what the current builds look like. Welcome back, and good luck!
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    It is double-XP till 12/27. Just keep running IG bronze and you will be at 70 in no time.
  • aradyn#0871 aradyn Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    This game always bounces between "choice" classes. Sorry your favorite class is only mediocre at the moment. It could be worse, you could have had Dev's take your HR and try to make it ranged in this last patch, so that you neither get your companion attacking/bonding runestones, power share from paladins which can be about 100k power at the moment, power share from that DC and such...aka making your class useless in PVE, without going back to trapper/combat, which got nerfed to make the HR better =)

    You must realize, the people that are balancing these classes, do not play the game (outside of leveling 1-15), read the forums, or otherwise. They simply take what the moderator's deem as important and put their own spin on it.

    Add in the fact that the Dev responsible for balancing for Mod 15 either walked out or got fired (haven't heard the official statement of why he left) and that was after they determined it was too large of a task for 1 mod and split it between Mod15/16, and yeah, pretty much either just play the class you want to play or focus on one of those three you listed and hope the next mod is kind to them.

    Something else you might try is posting your build on mmominds and preparing yourself for a hurl of comments telling you what is wrong (aka constructive feedback) and try some of their suggestions, you might find your favorite class is simply not built correctly and could find that it really is a great class when the meta is setup correctly. Then make changes to your original posting so you can also help others.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,522 Arc User
    edited December 2018
    What I like to play these days (like to play does not mean it has the best of xyz) are in this order:

    SW, HR, TR, GWF, OP, DC, GF*, CW*.

    The first 6 can clear current solo content with ease.
    The last 2 toon are new and have 0 boon. I still don't have a handle to play them right (which is an incorrect statement because the correct statement is kind of awkward - I don't have a handle not to play them wrong).
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • amaranthos20amaranthos20 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2018
    Thank you all very much for your replies especially during the holiday season!

    So, minor update. I wavered and waffled and flummaged, "absolutely deciding" on the GWF, the DC, the HR, and the OP, in that order. You can tell I was mentally going back and forth between dps and support.

    Finally, frustrated beyond belief and an inch away from quitting the game a second time, I decided that I had nothing to lose and logged My Forgotten Toon, a SW. I was stunned. Even at level 60 and a mere 4k IL, with no enchants, boons, or companions, and even some empty gear slots...it was dishing out comparable dps to everything but my GWF, which was at 11k IL.

    Then I read a decent guide about Templock, and used my second loadout for that. And I was again stunned...the SW was still doing comparable dps to everything but the GWF, and now it was also dealing comparable healing to both my DC and OP, both around 11k IL as well.

    What on Earth...? So I actually geared the SW up, and at a mere 10k IL it's far surpassed any healing and any dps from any of my other toons as a Templock. Absolutely unbelievable. Why does this class exist? I really hate it, I hate the playstyle, hate the skills, hate the rotations, hate the gameplay, but it works and it works better than anything else.

    I recently refined the mainhand wep for it, an Obsidian whatsit, to become my first legendary item in the game to date, so...I guess that settles things finally, I'm a Templock now. It even synergizes better than the other classes with my wife's GF...
    Post edited by amaranthos20 on
    "90% of the community in this game uses about .02% of their usable brain functions. When they all combine, they actually have .01%, because stupid people in large groups spread their stupidity." -- Discombobulator
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    I'll never grow tired of my SW's death beam.

    I just want the CW's shard of endless avalanche back.... Pretty please?
  • yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited December 2018
    CW is nothing like it was back in the days, now it's more of a squishy support class. Especially so after the latest changes the Devs introduced in the Heart of fire. Now almost every cw i know of plays as a Renegade, which has become the only viable path. Pretty bad game design from the start, if you ask me and i don't expect it to go away not just any time soon but ever. I have returned to the game 5 months ago myself, after a 3 year absence, and still found present the same issues ,more or less, there were when i left. Cryptic/PW has trouble balancing out not just the classes but every aspect of their game. As a final note, at least they removed the "Coming Soon" class notification. No reason to be reminded of a class that will never come.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User


    I do not think that word means what you think it means.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User
    greywynd said:


    I do not think that word means what you think it means.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    It will not be a quick road.. I took a year off and still paying for that sin =P.

    With you, it will be alot of campaigns, grinding ect.. true to ever mmo, some campaigns were reasonable, some are not, Storm Kings Thunder sucks, its by far the worst campaign in terms of sheer grind they ever did,I do not want to hear about other games, its only in the context on this one that matters, and SKT is tedious. Take mod 4 and double it... at least they do account wide unlock now. Back when I first started that.. it wasnt.. so to get more then one toon through was sheer torture.

    Dont get me started on Mod 10.5.. Somi and its fishing.. even worst design!

    Anyways, if you want to play, its the truth, nothing per se has made it faster.. enchants are cheaper.. but your stuck with 35 million a year in pure AD you can refine yourself, so you got to figure out how to get the rest.

    You will have to decide if the cons outweight the pros or vice versa for your self.

    The sheer amount of patch notes would take forever. to review...

    The game was still at its best mod 3 backwards.. while some modules were much more fun then others, some they were down right play friendly.. others not so much.

    Newest mod is a glitchy bug, with off putting humor , but they do give you a free r14,, and its not even a bad r14,.. nice stats to it.

  • pitmonster#5684 pitmonster Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    My suggestion if you liked CW is a SW. Right now it is the most diverse of the classes, its fast, you can set it up for easy survivability while soloing and switch to a DPS in a group or even a healer. Did I mention its fast :)
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