Hello, i am playing on PS4, so i have no preview server to test changes. I need some help with the new divinity gain changes. It would be very kind, if someone can test a few things for me.
I use two times Blessing of Battles and one times Astral Seal in my rotation to fill up my divinity. At the moment I have four points in Bountiful Fortune und I use the class feature Divine Fortune tier 4. Now I’d like to know if it would be enough, if I put 3, 2, 1 or even no points in Bountiful Fortune while using Divine Fortune or perhaps is it enough, if I put four points in Bountiful Fortune and do not use Divine Fortune, so I can use another Class Feature? My goal is to fill up my divinity by using only the three attacks mentioned above.
thanks a lot
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
3 points in Bountiful Fortune -1x BoB and 2x AS
@gryzella - thank you very much. that is exactly what i was looking for
3 points in Bountiful Fortune with Divine Fortune class feature equipped will not give you a full 3 pips at base value while casting 1x BoB and 2x AS; you end up the tiniest bit short.
If your Avatar of the Divine is active, as it should be most of the time, you will hit your full pip at the end, but you need to be aware that any downtime in Avatar will force you to change your rotation to 2x BoB 1x AS or to cast a fourth At-Will.
All of this is somewhat academic since there isn't any point to casting AS (truly - it's better just to extend the buff uptime on BoB by another second even if usually redundant), but you'll want to take Avatar into account while planning your build and rotations if you prefer to keep AS part of your regular rotation.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
step two setup an account
step three log onto preview
step four play neverwinter