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Storm King's Thunder needs to be changed.

Okay, I usually avoid trying to be a forum warrior, but this is just out of hand now.

Storm King's Thunder. We all know it, most of us hate it, it's time for a change. The gear is obsolete. There's little point to the campaign except the boons now, and the opportunity to run FBI and Svardborg. Running the same few quests over and over and over again for little to no real return, except to fill out the daily "do three quests" requirement is agonizing.

There is literally NO excuse for it to take as long as it does. Svardborg unlocks at 400 reputation. The Glyph and Supply campaign options are obsolete and worthless. The final boon unlocks at 850 reputation, by the time you get there, you long since finished the campaign itself. Four weeks, a month and no more, to start it, run it, and complete it. That's all it should be. The only thing of genuine value is the boons, and due to the difficulty involved in the mobs, FBI, and Svardborg, by the time a toon is capable of staying alive in the two instances, let alone being able to fight and actually make the scoreboard respectably, that person has run Chult and Raven. They're at least wearing Primal gear or even 520 gear from Ravenloft. They may even have one or more Chult, River, and Raven boons in place.

Give out more reputation per week. 100 rep is reasonable, that would still require 8 1/2 weeks to complete, or even better, just make it a flat four week, 28 day, run from start to finish. Don't nerf the boons, just alter the issuance of reputation to 100 a week.

Please stop wasting our time on obsolete content already.

Aaaand....let the flaming and burning of me begin...I'm ready for it.


  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User
    1) Signet of Patronage

    2) Genie's Gifts
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User

    Aaaand....let the flaming and burning of me begin...I'm ready for it.

    *roasts harbtanzer over an open fire*
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    You can also buy the STK campaign completion in the AH.
  • croixxcroixx Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    Even the boons aren't all that great. That aside, this is the biggest grind campaign in the game. Like the area, like the design and background, but its way too much time to attain completion. Not sure completion token is even worth it either.
  • ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User

    Please stop wasting our time on obsolete content already.

    You're only wasting your own time if you decide to actually run the content. ;)

    As someone that ran it on two toons my advice would be avoid running it at all costs. Boons aren't that great. Even if they accelerated it I would never step foot there again.

    Regardless, I don't agree with speeding it up. All who enter should know the suffering that was SKT in it's full glory.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User
    Ran it 9 times. Signets and Gifts did wonders.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • demolitioninc#2453 demolitioninc Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    @harbtanzer don't grind it, after you are past 400 repuations, just do the weeklies in Somi, BS, LW and CR. That will take you 1.5hrs for one day and then let the campaign progress slowly. Don't go back dailiy, its not worth it.
    1. PzkwVI_Kingtiger - GWF
    2. PMS-Extreme - Moffus Debuffos
    3. Tiamat's Toyboy - OP
    4. Rent-A-DC - 1 GMOP per 30 minutes
    5. Officer at Civil Anarchy, Member of Fabled Alliance
  • bluthbananabluthbanana Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    If you want to unlock all of SKT by playing is will be much easier with a thorough timetable. Once Bryn Shander, Lonelywood and Cold run require one quest each day simply do 3 quests per area on alternating days and hand in only one quest per day, reducing your daily grind to a single area each day.

    For SOMI gather quests for three days, so you can do 2-3 quests in the same area, like killing barbarians and destroying totems on the same day, or freeing people from troll huts and killing the exploding trolls, or killing ice mephits and gathering runes and loadstones. Add either fishing or alarm signals for barbarians/trolls to complete your three daily quests.

    That way you'll finish the daily grinds quickly. Downside is you have to grab SOMI quests every day to not mess up your timetable.
  • cdnbisoncdnbison Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User

    @harbtanzer don't grind it, after you are past 400 repuations, just do the weeklies in Somi, BS, LW and CR. That will take you 1.5hrs for one day and then let the campaign progress slowly. Don't go back dailiy, its not worth it.

    I've got an alt that I'm slowly working through it. I'll do the weeklies, and if time permits, I'll complete a bunch of easy quests in the earlier zones for Defending the Dale. That way, throughout the week, I can pop in, turn in the 3 completed quests, and get the rep reward. It's definitely not a priority, though. (That's why they're an alt, not a main. ;-)
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