Hello, first off all I wanna thank you for your efforts and time spent of making this game what it is, I've enjoyed and played this game for more then 2 years and I really appreciate all your work. However the PVP aspect of the game has slowly lost interest and the activity is dying since the solo q is permanent, Many good players left the game and some others are about to leave, including myself here too, because there's no activity in Domination, Gauntlgrym Battlegrounds or even Stronghold Siege, like it use to be, The solo q is OK, I agree with it and I see it from your point of view, Is helping players getting glory and seals, but I don't think this solo q should be there permanently, just temporary, Why? Because there's no more challenges, There's no way you can play with your guild, There's no more way of playing with your friends, Because the little activity is in solo q where you are not able to form your own group of guild or friends. The solo q is not fun, is more fun when you are playing with your friends or guild, Solo q is just a frustrating way of pvping, You get a bunch of low item level players who has no idea what they are suppose to do there or not well geared for pvp. No one likes this and that's why the pvp in Neverwinter is slowly coming to an end. I'm speaking in the name of a massive amount of players from PS4# that are sharing the same feelings and opinions like mines and they are about to quit the game, They barley playing now, and most of them has already went to Destiny 2 or The Elder Scrolls Online, Another thing about the PVP section is about the rewards we get, I think there should be better rewards, to attract more people, such as glory vouchers or blood rubies etc. I've been giving this game a lot, We have been giving this game a lot, A lot of time, A lot of money and a lot of passion, I don't want to quit, We don't want to quit, but unfortunately there's not much to do anymore
and we don't have any choice. We would love to stay in Neverwinter and have no solo q, We wanna play together with our friends and guildies. All we want is to see the Domination activity coming back to where it was before the solo q come out permanently. Hope we are not asking for to much and my message doesn't come out as a threat, I apologize if it does, But this is just our wishes for our dedication to Neverwinter. Please reconsider removing the solo q, Thank you in advance! Regards!
Real good pvpers will easily get bored or frustrated in solo. A lot of the people are easy to kill they don’t fight on the nodes, they don’t reply to party chat, in a lot of cases it horrible. So also the top play
I agree with everything that he wrote.