Here I will post a rating of each class, so people will know better which class is overpowered, which class may need a buff, or which class you are going to play (if you are new to pvp). The rating is based on endgame players. If devs can use this as benchmark to rework class balance it will be cool
![:) :)](
(5/5 means too strong, 4/5 means strong, 3/5 means modest; complexity measures skill needed, it means the class is hard to play if the score is low; only archery stats are seperated since its too unique)
If you disagree with some of the ratings please comment and i will fix it if all people agree with you)
overall rating: 2.75/5
killing ability:4/5
team support:1/5
complexity : 2/5
overall rating: 4/5
killing ability:4/5
team support:3/5
complexity : 5/5
overall rating: 4/5
killing ability:5/5
team support:2/5
complexity : 4/5
Other HR/Archery
overall rating: 3/5 (archery: 3/5)
killing ability:3/5 (archery: 5/5)
team support:3/5 (archery: 1/5)
suvivability:3/5 (archery: 2/5)
complexity : 3/5 (archery: 4/5)
overall rating: 3.25/5
killing ability:4/5
team support:3/5
complexity : 3/5
overall rating: 3.5/5
killing ability:4/5
team support:3/5
complexity : 3/5
overall rating: 3.25/5
killing ability:1/5
team support:5/5
complexity : 3/5
overall rating: 4/5
killing ability:2/5
team support:5/5
complexity : 4/5
overall ranking: TR>=GF=OP>SW>DC=CW>HR>GWF
(TR rating may be a little higher than GF/OP since the killing ability and survability may be 5+/5)
some classes perform better at lower gear scores then others whereas some need 5 grand in maxed out gear to be moderately not bad ..that should be reflected as well to people reading
which class is cheapest to gear which is most expensive in order to get the killing and survivability results of the other scores ....
your information assumes that these pvp class/ is/ are what gear score / item level by the way ?
might these result be different say if all were 10k classes and ranked against each other .. or all 15k and ranked against each other ?
are assuming that classes are a certain paragon skewing results ?
team support is also interesting is this now also adjusted due class to power selection? and if it is solo Q or 5 v 5 q ?
are some classes more/less selfish then others(holding node vs running away ) is that what support means?
And for new players not considering the power level of these classes per item level they have is a little bit useless.
For example, at low item level GF, OP and TR have the best livability. Compare that with low item level GWFs SWs CWs which are stupidly squishy.
Again, show me a game where one team has two trs, the other team doesn't have any, and the two tr team loses, and i will show you two trash trs or three teammates that each went 0 and 20 and should probably find another hobby like stamp collecting or something. You can't say that about any other class.
The rest of the ratings seem ok i guess, but i don't really care enough to go through them all. Plus most classes have different builds that would have very different ratings.
As a side note, since the only q that works anymore is solo q, the game can only be balanced with that in mind (spoiler: it won't ever be balanced).
Also, this is coming from someone who has played each class at the highest level in pvp, minus the tr (boring, looking for a challenge) and the gwf (least fun class in pvp and i'd argue pve as well).