I wanted to make a mention of this particular guy. His story and what drives him full of bitterness and hate. In the books he also made an appearence in Ravenloft and had a standoff with Count Strahd himself and his minions. He started off as a very admirable, honorable, and chivalrous man. Indeed, the Knight of the Black Rose could possibly make an interesting storyline in game someday. Just a thought.
That said, I would *really* dig me a "D&D's Entire Multiverse" game!
Also, if we ever saw an expansion into more Ravenloft territory, I'd rather visit Darkon and Azalin the Lich! He's ultimately far more dangerous than Strahd, that HAMSTER almost broke the multiverse!
I would dig an update down the road to add Sithus to the misty realms we can visit.