Ok... I know this seems like an immediate troll post but I'm serious about the controller bumper breaking from irradic and repeated abuse. I am not the only in my guild who has had problems with the Xbox one controller bumpers either. I'm obviously not suggesting the game is causing the controller to break, however I'm at the point now where I'm using the third new controller AND I've still had to buy a bag of oem replacement bumpers on eBay. So what I'm getting at here is perhaps re-evaluating the frustrating and burdensome task of physically cursing every mob we interact with. It's a very aggregating chore in game and the Microsoft bumpers aren't taking so kindly to the spasmatic abuse. I am not asking for a removal of cursing just a more enjoyable and engaging way of application of the cursing. I'd like to think a good starting point for ideas is the way in which lesser curse currently applies itself. Why not have the enemies who are attacked by the lock just get instant cursed at the same time? It really does tie up about 50% of my button mashing in the end game maps .... which really isn't at all fun. Please look into a way of integrating the warlocks cursing, I'd love to buy some zen so I can take advantage of the sales but my free cash gets wasted on controllers and bumpers because Microsoft refuses to acknowledge the issue as an engineering flaw and warrantied claim. They say I'm to rough... I be willing to bet I've got more hours on the Xbox controller than some of the engineers who designed it. Please auto curse! Thanks