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1 to 70 Experience ruined.

dagambitdagambit Member Posts: 187 Arc User
So I have created 2 new characters since the release of MOD 13 and I have to say the experience from 60 to 70 is very, very lack luster. I know that the redesign of the leveling system was done to help new players. Don't get me wrong the player experience from 1 to 60 was always good. The grind from 60 to 70 was real and it gave players the experience they need to play and learn their class/character, and that experience has been taken away. When I hit level 70 with my TR I was like whoa!!! I felt good I couldn't wait to try out my new weapons and gear. I didn't mid the grind from 60 to 70 I felt since of accomplishment and I did it with no experience booster. I got a chance to learn to play my toon, what powers worked and which ones I thought were useless and worked better in PVP. Going through this last character I felt like level 70 was given to me it was way to easy. The old experience system IMO was alittle better with a little reduction in exp needed to get to the next level. I think over all 500K would have been much better than what it is now. Even though I was eager to play with my friends I had to wait to get to 70 and then they helped me get the gear I needed. So here is a list of reason I feel the changes hurt the leveling experience a little and this is just my opinion.

The changes:
1) Too easy to reach 70.
2) Rush new players into end game not knowing how to play their toon. They just read MMOMINDS for what is the best build and exp boost their way to 70.
3) Causes new players to get kicked from dungeons for not knowing how to play their class. Especially (MSP, T9, and CODG)
4) No since of pride or accomplishment for reaching 70. Feels like a participation award/trophy.

The Devs are doing a good job on making the game better, and I appreciate all the hard work that has gone into making player experience better. Please keep up the good working you are doing.
Rogue - Setsuna F Seiei (PC)
Rogue - Setsuna F Seiei (XB1)
Rogue - Serenity (PS4)


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    ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    You make some valid arguments but at the end of the day it's only your opinion that getting to 70 was handed to you.

    Players that have been around for many, many, many mods can never experience the game like a fresh player again.

    The grind through EE was definitely for real but let's be honest here. When I ran through EE there weren't a ton of mods after it. To say people can't learn their class further post hitting level 70 is inaccurate. There's plenty of content left for them to play and learn IF they want to.

    I had no issue with the previous leveling experience but getting to level 70 isn't where I learned to play most of my classes. Picking peoples brains, reading around, watching vids, swapping powers around, asking guildies that had great toons for hints, etc.

    That's how I learned. Getting to level 70 had nothing to do with it other than supplying power points, and unlocking powers/feats along the way.

    I do agree though that the first toon you got to 70 was an achievement. My 2nd was still an accomplishment. By my 3rd I just wanted to get it over and move on with playing with builds. But everyone's going to experience the game differently.
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    dagambitdagambit Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    I felt the same after starting my 3rd toon I just wanted to get it over with. IMO now its all about getting to 70 to do tong. With all the new players reading about how to play their class online and not actually playing it in game there is a difference. You can tell the difference between a veteran OP and someone who paid to get there IL. Nothing is wrong with that but it kind of frustrates alot of people in the harder dungeons. Especially when playing with people who dont have patience, and are ready to kick players because they haven't learned to play their class.

    And that is the reason we got random queues forced on us according to the devs to help the new players.

    In my guild and alliance as in many others helping players is what we do. I think by the time players reach 70 everyone expects them to be able to handle their toon and class but most times does not happen.

    But this is all my opinion.
    Rogue - Setsuna F Seiei (PC)
    Rogue - Setsuna F Seiei (XB1)
    Rogue - Serenity (PS4)
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    thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    especially the end game dungeons? LOL. the only way someone is going to race from zero to 70 and go do tong is if it's an alt and the person is very very rich and has some tolerant friends/guildies who will take a toon with no personal boons. (unless of course they bought the boons too)

    you do not learn your class by doing beginning stuff. you learn your class by getting your butt kicked. lol

    over three platforms I have about 20 level 70's maybe a few more. the vast majority of them got there by incantations every day until the final stretch where I might run them thru a few dungeons will guild quests. making it easier has done nothing to change the game other than making it less painful.
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    mrimsogoodmrimsogood Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    dagambit said:

    So I have created 2 new characters since the release of MOD 13 and I have to say the experience from 60 to 70 is very, very lack luster. I know that the redesign of the leveling system was done to help new players. Don't get me wrong the player experience from 1 to 60 was always good. The grind from 60 to 70 was real and it gave players the experience they need to play and learn their class/character, and that experience has been taken away. When I hit level 70 with my TR I was like whoa!!! I felt good I couldn't wait to try out my new weapons and gear. I didn't mid the grind from 60 to 70 I felt since of accomplishment and I did it with no experience booster. I got a chance to learn to play my toon, what powers worked and which ones I thought were useless and worked better in PVP. Going through this last character I felt like level 70 was given to me it was way to easy. The old experience system IMO was alittle better with a little reduction in exp needed to get to the next level. I think over all 500K would have been much better than what it is now. Even though I was eager to play with my friends I had to wait to get to 70 and then they helped me get the gear I needed. So here is a list of reason I feel the changes hurt the leveling experience a little and this is just my opinion.

    The changes:
    1) Too easy to reach 70. That's a bad thing?
    2) Rush new players into end game not knowing how to play their toon. They just read MMOMINDS for what is the best build and exp boost their way to 70. Not sure how 60-70 would have someone knowing more about their class than going 0-60
    3) Causes new players to get kicked from dungeons for not knowing how to play their class. Especially (MSP, T9, and CODG). If someone is able to get into T9 and CoDG and don't know how to play their class, then it's not the fault of the game's leveling system, especially since no one is inviting anyone under 15k into either one and hitting level 70 you're barely 6k. Too many guides out on each class for someone not to know how to play it.
    4) No sense of pride or accomplishment for reaching 70. Feels like a participation award/trophy.

    The Devs are doing a good job on making the game better, and I appreciate all the hard work that has gone into making player experience better. Please keep up the good working you are doing.

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