Before i start let me state this is not a rage or a do this or else. I am just making a sugestion i really think smaller or medium guilds would need.
Can you please concider adding a different way of earning Conqueror's Shard's. The reason i ask this is for smaller guilds earning Conqueror's Shard's in PVP is nearly impossible leaving only 2 alternatives :
- Buy from Zen market
- Earn from underdark mission
True the above mentioned are alternatives. The first one have been an good alternative up to now but due to the upcoming AD changes this is no longer a good option. I normally spen 75% + of my ad on Conqueror's Shard's for my guild but due to the fact that we will now only get 20k Rough AD per day per account and some spare change for salvage this means i (and i am sure many others) will no longer be able to afford this. So the first option is dead next mod.
The Second option have one large negative it takes you 5 days to earn 10 shards that means to make say 6k shards will take you 600*5 =3000 days if 5 players work on it it will take 600 days . FOR 1 BUILDING.
Please concider helping out smaller guilds by adding a differnt way of earning this. It would even be fine if it would take 30 minutes a day to farm it.
Maybe have
- a very expensive Temp building that provides a choice of shards.
- Allow us to buy with Guild marks
- Allow us to exchange shards for others ... say get 10 shards of one kind for every 100 of other you contribute
I understand the reason that it does not drop in private pvp is to avoid exploitation . I agree with this, but please asking a 10k cw guildie to earn shards from pvp is just sadistic on the current state of pvp.
This means small and medium guilds can now only have one option to move forward DO NOT BUILD POWER BOON. This is clearly a very negative to any guild
EDIT: Need to say you cannot earn the Underdark shard if you have not completed the campaign. meaning it is not an option for smaller guilds
Of note, if you're using the Underdark missions and if you're buying shard chests, it's always advisable to delay opening until Shards of Power events. That doubles your return on investment. The delay can be painful to endure, but ultimately it pays off.
If you are in an alliance or have a large enough group of friends, another option to consider is that you can do pre-made public Gauntlgrym runs of 10 players each, swapping wins (this only works for the public queue, private queue does not produce Conqueror Shards). You're less likely to encounter other pre-mades queuing for Domination doing this and you get a maximum rate of Conqueror shards for the 20 people involved with low threat. It does take some coordination as you need 2 team leaders and people willing to take the time (though it goes fast as one team caps the Nodes, while the other waits, then you reverse on Match 2).
Additionally, if you are on PC, join "BID_UP" and come to Black Ice Domination as AB. The channel participants monitor BID spawn times and will call out when it pops, the zone it is in, and if TT are present (Tornado of Souls has a team that will sometimes show up to pvp as TT, but not all the time). The only real challenge is maintaining your AB contract and zoning in before the match ends. Channel participants will also invite you if your running into issues getting into the correct zone instance. Even a 10K CW can do this without much effort.
However, I don't think you understand the changes to refining coming in Mod 14. You'll get less raw AD from random queue if you're using multiple alts, but there are tons of ways to still produce raw AD and the bigger limitation won't be raw AD, it will be the 100K account daily refining limit. Other options include weeklies (Arcane Reservoir, Ballad of Baphomet, Protecting the Portal, Dread Ring, Biggrin's Tomb, Storming the Castle - 27K raw AD/alt/week before bonus RAD is factored in from invocation and that's not factoring in the campaign currency that can be converted to Guild Marks for additional salvage or to convert to resource maps), Underdark missions (600 RAD/alt/day), salvage, and repeat running of random queue at the lower return rates, though I wouldn't recommend running the leveling dungeons more than once per account as the return after the first run is pretty miserable.
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
1% of the time, it's a fight, and generally gets decided by "who can call in the most reinforcements fastest".
You'll occasionally have trolling players on the losing side out to gank easy targets, but that doesn't happen as often as you might think and even then, all you need is to be on the winning team, and in the area, when the first phase ends, for the daily stronghold quest. It's really not hard to do.
Then whenever you buy them I'd wait to open them till the 2x Shards event, also Guild Leaders should be encouraging &/or reward players who donate then in some fashion. You've got to find some way to incentivise your players either through a possible promotion, contests, a special reward or something...
Even if your guild does is smaller if you search Miscellaneous people will sometimes or often sell them for about 190-225k astral diamonds though for just 150k diamonds you could sell your diamonds to buy one during the 2x event.
Hope that helps out a few people.