Let me start by saying that I main a SW as I really like the idea behind SW and it remains, IMHO, the most interesting and fun class to play. However it is really sad to see one of my favorite SW commentators / content creators make a video like the below which pretty much explains the state of the SW. Basically they have taken really interesting mechanics and made it basically you simply having to apply CURSE and try and stay alive - that is it, that sums up the amount of fun you can have in end-game content. I kinda feel like I want to play out my VIP and then shelve this game - yes I have created other characters but I just don't find them as much fun to play.
Video which really explains the current situation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiWy03NCTGQ The song which should be playing in the background of his commentary
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEX1dYyvmig RIP SW
I really doubt that there will be any buff for dps performance of any class - quite contrary - lately every Cryptic action purge more and more dps players out of the game. But that works somehow too, I guess next mod will be fall for the dps GF and in the end every dps will end up on some roughly even baseline.
But at least they try to make the support paths viable. I appreciate that.
The below tells all. They should change this to "You can sort of do damage but your primary role is to make the endgame more enjoyable for others and heal them if they did not insta-die from a one-shot"
Anyway the original post was more of a lament with a link to a full time SW content creator explaining how pointless the class has become.
Anyway - I really do not think SW will get buffed. No specific class will. The game mechanism went awry, not the classes (except the obvious bugs of course.)
But! What I suspect is that all % dmg increases will get soft capped the same way like the % debuff did, taming the buff/debuff mayhem a bit again. (even if the power might stay outside this change to make this as subtle hit by the wrecking ball as it could possibly be.)
And that will shuffle the base a lot, dragging many minor performance adjustments for each class in tow.
Well, at least this is my wishful thinking. Important is to voice your opinion - and you did that.
Lets hope our feedback will be heard - and may be they will even listen.
If Cryptic does not wake up to all the noise perhaps Wizards of the Coast will allow a new developer to take over the Forgotten Realms gaming world so we can get back to a real D&D game?
"Highlighted reply
1 day ago
Yea, posting anything on the forums won't get anywhere.. They don't care. It would take the whole Warlock Community to spam the forums for any action to be done. The problem is the current "Warlock Community" doesn't think anything is wrong with the class.... GG"
While the latest buffs have been nice, especially for temptation tree, the class deserves some additional attention.
The dps SW are good, but are not super good, compared to other top dps classes, whatever their rotation (and taking into account the current bug).
Consequently, other dps classes are always favored when it comes to group composition. Nobody expects a SW to be the HDPS of the group: even if good SWs deal good damage, good dps of other classes can do much better because of their self-buffs/multiproc/aura of courage/synergy.
Now, SWs can find a group easily being templocks, but the SWs that want to be pure strikers are left in the dust...
The thread dedicated to SW buffs for mod 13 already contained some ideas, not yet implemented. To be considered again.
But at that stage, and considering the lack of time developers have, I would suggest to just increase the base damage of at-wills, encounters, dailies (rather than decrease the cooldown of the encounters for instance).
DPS SWs cannot struggle versus a x0 million GWF IBS (also seen x00 millions IBS), or x00 million TR SOD, etc...
But ain't nobody got no time for that!
It is a nightmare for PUG groups for this reason - they are so far away from the meta that it is nearly impossible for most. It is doable, but hell is it a struggle without the meta, or even the 2DPS + 3 support sub-meta. Trust me, I've tried the RQ 'Hero's Accord' with my 16k+ DC (which regularly runs sub 16-17min TONGs in organised groups, even as solo DC) where there was a 17k GWF and 15k OP in my group but the two other ~13k 'DPS' (a CW and a TR) had no idea what they were doing. They weren't even in charge of any of the curses. The 17k GWF was a strong player - I've run TONG with him before in an organised group (we just joined the RQ because we were bored that day). The CW was playing SS and didn't have a MoF loadout and refused to learn.
So sometimes it is not just about 'adding 5-10 minutes to the run', for others, it is about dying multiple times at Orcus and the increased likelihood of not completing the dungeon the more you deviate from the meta.
The more the devs push with this meta, the more DPS chars are gonna get the smackdown. Hence why arguably the 4th and 5th Tier DPS (CW, SW) are feeling like they cannot spec as damage dealers in end-game content, even though this is what their original role was conveyed to be on character creation!
The inherent base powers, mechanics and lack of self-buffing of the SW (barring the buglock) means that they are less likely to be chosen as 1st or 2nd tier DPS, and are thus more likely to be excluded from groups like this in end-game content, unless they choose to become support, or rather 'coerced to' by system design.