Could we please fix the ranking system to separate skilled players from players with lesser skill level in solo domination

maybe make a qualifying at the beginning of each reset for the season ''New Mod'', and separate everyone into the four ranking brackets that are in place now, and players could then fight for legit leader board placement.
Que synching is NOT due to lack of skill matches. Its due to people wanting to fight weak teams yet have good teammates to boost their rank and k/d on the leaderboard that doesnt matter.
> Que synching is NOT due to lack of skill matches. Its due to people wanting to fight weak teams yet have good teammates to boost their rank and k/d on the leaderboard that doesnt matter.
If everyone has to qualify into a skill based bracket would be no more ''pugstomping'' to boost k/d in the leader board lol like I said go back re-read and think before you speak smh
Sync on pc...crazy idea, you will se no pop ending with an huge log off, and play something more active.