Hello TR's,
I am on PS4, so just really took a deepish dive into the new weapon sets. I am at 16K, Crit is at 95%, Armpen just over 85%, and about 10,000 Recovery. So I was looking at the weapons, and trying to see which might work best for me.
The conventional wisdom seems to be primal, which gives 10% damage for 10 seconds. As Tennessee James points out, this is likely to be up almost all the time during a group fight, and probably up a lot when soloing as you are the only target. The Tyrant set gives up to 15% damage, but it increases over time, so it will depend on the length of the fight.
However, I have the pilgrim set and looked at that - looks like 5%, for one minute, then it resets when something dies??? Not quite sure exactly how this works. For giggles, I looked at the starter set - Pioneer. When in a party of 5, you get 1000 power, crit, armpen, recovery, and defense.
Assuming that 1000 power = 2.5% damage - just double checking that this is right.
Thus, with where my character is at; I could shed 1000 crit, armpen, and recovery, and replace with 3000 more power, and still be at 95% crit, and 85% armpen, and have more than enough recovery. If I get close to an additional 4000 power, wouldn't that be just a flat 10% damage increase? Always up when in a party of 5.
I know my percentage would be off when soling but everything dies so quick anyway, so I dont really care.
Please let me know if the 10% damage increase from the Primal, is somehow better than 4000 power, all other things staying equal. Thanks for your input!
So this is from Tenn James
Damage= {class base damage + weapon damage} * skill modifier * feat buffs * ability modifier * power modifier * debuff modifier * (critical hit modifier+combat advantage modifier) * companion modifier * weapon enchant
As he ably explains, adding 4000 power to a base of 30k, is only an increase of just north of 5% damage (not the flat 10% we might think it is).
I guess my only question now is: When would the 10% damage buff from the Primal Weapons (or 5 people running Stronghold Set III) be multiplied? Is it at the end? Or is it like the damage buffs from companion and added in to the line of multipliers?
Either way, it seems the 10% is actually double the REAL effect of adding 4000 power.
Stronghold Set III it is. gonna be expensive