Hi folks, feedback on the current module. I genuinely love the weekly-only campaign tasks for all the same reasons I loved Soshenstar - ability to do all the tasks at once or none of the tasks on a busy day and do them all on a free day is AMAZING.
My complaint is All. The. Delays. In. Cradle. Of. The. Death. God.
You start the queue, then wait before the first mobs spawn. You kill them in 3s, then wait before the next mobs spawn. You kill THEM in 3s, then you wait before the Skull phase, which takes 1min to complete if people do it right and then you WAAAAAAIT again for a few more mob phases. There's a long unskippable non-cutscene cutscene and now you're falling, and you wait for the Cubes to spawn and kill them in seconds after waiting for them to sloooooooooowly jiggle their way to the corners.
After that, a brief phase of slaughtering some tentacles and then a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG unskippable cutscene,
Finally, after ~8 minutes of unskippable cutscenes and unthreatening nonsense mobs, you're at the only actual challenge in the queue. And either most of your party understands the push/pull and it's a trivial 30s exercise to win, or they don't and you start over from the beginning.
All of these delays should be REMOVED. Have every mob group spawn instantly on the death of the last mob group. Have a new skull/cube spawn INSTANTLY on the death of the previous skull/cube. Make that last cutscene skippable. There's only ~2min of content to Cradle Of The Death God, so either let it *take* 2 minutes to run or add things to do that aren't "stand around waiting for the content."