We've pretty much been in Chult for the last 9 months with probably another 2.5-3 to go. We've gotten a new dungeon, a new skirm and a new trial, but I'm finding myself incredibly bored of late. I like that Cradle is a legit challenge and that ToNG can still be tough without a well organized party, but after enough ToNG runs to gear up 8 toons with armor/rings and 5 sets of weapons (so far), I feel like there's a massive lack of things to do. Sure, can farm Cradle, but to what end? You're only gonna get 1 Ampuole per week and if you're lucky an Omuan Carving to needlessly upgrade your armor for another 120 stat points, spread across 3 stats.
Basically we need more stuff to do. It doesn't even need to be brand new stuff. Bring back old dungeons in LvL 70 difficulty. Scale dungeons to item level or make tougher versions of dungeons available to higher geared players. Make players actually have to play the mechanics of Valindra's and Malabog's. Bring back the 4 boss CN before it was butchered with demon content (for those that weren't playing prior to mod 6, yes it was absolutely butchered). Just give us more things to do, because a 4 month mod that take 5-6 weeks to complete leaves a lot idle time for players to find something else to do and not login to Neverwinter.
HR: Vretzen
GWF: Vretzina
OP: Vee
DC: Evee
CW: nezterV
Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
I've got other things I could add, but I'm in a pretty good mood atm and don't feel like spoiling it.
right now i do the new campaign with 6 chars, playing a class i feel like atm. i hunt a bit, do the old campaigns with 2 new chars, one class (HR) i never played and find that very entertaining.
there's only one thing that i feel might pop out of the wonderbox for me now (after vanilla, campaigns, kits, foundry, dungeons, pvp, HE's, guild drama of various kinds
Chult is a nice addition to the game, the hunt system has flaws but it's an interesting new concept. Tong is a nice dungeon to do, balanced content.
But these droprates are so bad, but soo bad that the it annihilates every single bit of positive thing Chult brought.
Been 9 months already that we grind Chult? I spent endless hours in tong, and even more during double gems, and I was able to get 5 enchants to 14. 5 enchants in 9 months, playing several hours a day everyday. That's juste non-sense, I could find it insulting to get such a non-amount of rewards for the time invested.
Yeah, i know, it's rng and stuff, but would be great for people not to steal the luck of others...
Cradle? Too many flaws that are already detailed on other topics to be interesting. I'm doing one run a week to get the ampoule, no more.
I also suggest no one rush thru the game just to get to end game because once at end game your faced with this same question.
Now I mostly farm hunts while waiting for soloQ pvp to pop. Really like the hunt gear for it's mix and match bonuses, and the boons are fairly solid too, at least pvp wise. Tong I like, though I kinda hate the puzzles, cradle I hate completely for both the elevator live action cutscene, the actual cutscene, the baby cries and the push pull catch 22 - ie. you can't good groups without experience, and you can't get experience without good groups... So basically I run that on mondays, once hopefully, for the weekly ampoule.
On the whole, 8 out of 10 for the whole chult jurrasic park theme.
aside from learning how to stay on that damn platform in cradle... i am standing around chatting in guild chat mostly cause i have not a lot to do in game. same old dungeons, same old dailies, same old.
And, i have two end game toons and one that i am doing all of the campaigns on for something extra to do... still over it. there is only so many times you can rinse and repeat the same stuff on a different toon.
I know it suits some peoples personality to farm stuff, but tbh the drop rate on those stupid hunt lures is so garbage that I am not going to even bother with it.
i would run more/teired/different dungeons only for salvage and some refines if it just gave me something more interesting to do... there are end game players that need something that isnt just grind focused. something that isnt campaign focused.
Guild Leader - Valaurakari Ascension
VA is the creator and proud member of The Round Table Alliance
The devs seem to fall over themselves to create ever cleverer effects that make the game totally unplayable when there's lag, and that generate massive lag. Meanwhile they nerf stuff that doesn't need nerfing for 99.9% of the server population, and render the game way less fun for the majority.
As for the boredom, I don't do many hunts and I farm Cradle, but I understand that many players don't do Cradle because of the elitism of the forming groups that don't want to take any risk (as usual, DPS classes are more impacted and have trouble finding group especially for those who don't have the experience of pull/push). These players can just do the hunts and this is very frustrating because they have been hunting for two modules now..
It would be great to offer the latest rewards (UES) in any epic dungeon (with a lesser drop chance), so that all people keep faith and don't envy end-game players. Same for MSVA : update the rewards to make it valuable again.
And also to offer 2 dungeons at every module: one for mid-geared people, one for end-game.
I mean, we all know what a disaster M6 was, M7 wasn't much better, 8/9 are the good ones, 10 was well... Mod10. Mod11 was passable but it gave us one of the most annoyingly laggy dungeons ever, Mod12 would've been fine if not for all the issues that hunts brought for instance, and M13 is just M12c, and now we are waiting for Mod12d, and then what?
Not only do we have to wait for 12d (or 13b, how the Devs would name it) to get released, but we also have to wait for Mod 14 for additional 3 months. So basically we've had Chult for 9 months, and we're gonna have it for an additional 6 months, and that is about as fun as getting a botched circumcision by gravity.
That is, it's HAMSTER boring.
I also think it's far beyond time for a new class and maybe even a couple of new races. Looking at the difference in playable race options between Neverwinter and Star Trek Online, one finds much fewer options in Neverwinter. New races would expand diversity for many new players and bring older players back to try new options. A new class would also add more variety to group compositions and give more incentive for the never-ending "balance" discussion that's been happening for a couple of years now. There are a lot of theorycraft folks around, and a new class would provide them with more opportunities to theorycraft.
Featured Foundry Quest: Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG
Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
I cant stand to be on the game for more than 5 minutes at a time without growing extremely frustrated. I find myself clicking back and forth from youtube and neverwinter then placing my hands on my head and sulking.
In terms of the boredom question, in my humble opinion this is not the game dev's fault but one of the modern day gamer. We demand shorter, faster content with easier ways to achieve BiS and then when we get what we want and achieve BiS we then complain that we are bored. The answer is actually to limit ourselves and put value on hard earned rewards being better than quicker content. Yes the devs can bring back older dungeons but I bet if they ever did bring back the CN I just watched people would complain about the length to run it.
If you think I am wrong then tell me why callouts from Elitists for BiS players for the end game dungeons is such a thing, they do not want to take long and want the path of least resistance to complete it quicker to get their rewards and rinse / repeat to infinity.
It is prudent to note the following quote "The path to hell is paved with least resistance, but those less traveled by shall make the world of difference"
My personal favorite part of the game is/was the lore - I love the universe so spend time reading the lore and following the stories - but yes I agree to progress the story does take a ton of grinding but for me it is worth it. If I wanted BiS I could just splash some cash at the game but I know having the best will only last for a day and then it will not be worth it so why bother pushing BiS anyway. It is the same reason to turn SP games up to HARD or INSANE difficulty so that you become engrossed in staying alive....anyway nuff said - see you in Neverwinter
Most people know that if they need me for something to find me on Discord or my Website
I played through some games I heard had great story or interesting features.... Started learning to develop in Unity
I remember how fun it was to convince all the guildmates I ran with that a DC could have a place in a dungeon run (our guild had never had a DC main) ...I had to take several of them to a test dummy and demonstrate how power sharing worked
Slowly, everybody started switching out their augments for bonding pets, and as we learned to work together better, we started being able to finish CN... I still remember how amazed we were when we figured out we could complete ECC without bugging it or that we could finish EWD without calling in for help from a high-level hitter in the Alliance
Our guild leader became obsessed with the idea that not only could a Combat HR pull top end DPS duties, but that he could tnak with it, and he actually pulled it off for a while until that ability got nerfed (and he quit soon after) but that was back when it could pay off to be creative with your build
Since then SKT brought us variable uptime weapon effects, everfrost, BIS gear that was invalidated within a year, a bugged dungeon that is still not working correctly and a trial nobody runs anymore... and things just went downhill from there
Cryptic seems to be determined to add in every single bad idea that any other MMO has killed itself with while forcing players into DPS or DPS support roles only
Obviously, some lessons have been learned and some mistakes have been fixed, but somehow the statistics they are seeing are justifying a stubborn stance on how drastic changes (or lack thereof) to RQs, PvP, control effects, boring dungeon design, horrible RNG running the show and class diversity... not to mention they have obviously decided that production is far more important than product quality
Its great they can pay the bills, but yes, I am bored ...but more than that I have been frustrated with the direction this game has been going for far too long with far too little justification for waiting for things to get better
Relieved that I probably wont do much after next week when I max out the last Omu boon in Omu, so it frees up more time for real life! Yay!
I have mostly enjoyed Omu but still cant run FBI, MSP, ToNG and I lol at myself for thinking about Cradle.
I wont hunt due to the RNG and the general power creep on Armour.
I cant be arsed to waste AD on pres wards for a 5% chance of upgrading to get 9iL on an Enchant.
SO I'm actually fairly content and happy - I have mostly enjoyed Omu, and it seems to have been a much shorter and fune journey than SKT
is nice to have some extra time, but yes the mod was short, looks like the 3rd part of chult mod not a new mod...