When the Atropal is doing the pull/push mechanic there is a bug that if you get too close to the interior edge you fall even before the platform is over. Please fix this because it is frustrating, it's frustrating because even you knowing how to do the mechanics and having the skills, because it is not properly programmed... you fall.
I may be able to record a video to show you what is going on. But for now I'll share an image.
In the image I've marked with a red X where I fall to the deep. I can see that there is more platform in front of me but I fall before I get to the edge.
I don't know if it is due to lag, whether the platform graphic does not line up with the actual platform boundary or other factors. Some people have said that the 'pull' is strongest the closer you get to the inner circle, and is also strongest when in front of the stone masks.