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combat is broken, control immunity is broken, everything is broken

mikal#9243 mikal Member Posts: 203 Arc User
edited February 2018 in Player Feedback (Xbox One)
I have enough problems with combat in neverwinter that i could write a book on it. Instead im just going to leave a brief bullet point list here. If any are intentional mechanics then just know that im face palming.

-this game seems to operate under the premise that if an enemy can hit you when they start an attack they WILL hit you no matter where you are. A prime example of this is thayan servitors in the dread ring. I ride past them and they throw blades at me which obviously hit. I turn a corner or 2 while hearing them throw some more blades....which hit me.....around corners.
-servitors and a small list of other enemies are attacking while stunned, completely negating the point of the TR smoke bombs and CW steal time....to name a few.
-TR impossible to catch is not protecting from control effects at end game. The demons that do that shout attack can still control me, i can still be frozen by dragons and cultists etc. Unless i misunderstood control immunity was in the tooltip, so where is it?
-potion cooldowns are broken, i hit the buttons to use a single health potion, it then goes on a 30 second cooldown along with every other potion i have slotted to tray. I understand that you dont want people having 20 active buffs but this is a health potion....seriously.
-dragons in well of the dragons are still bugged to hell. Floating in the air above us where they cant be hit or just walking away and getting stuck in the rocks. Sometimes 2 or more dragons per run cannot be killed because of glitches.
-lair and dungeon enemies are still seeing through TR stealth and ignoring control.
-heroic encounters are often broken, a particular one to look at is protecting the merchants in reclamation rock. Protect them from what? They just stand there for 10 minutes while nothing attacks them. Other times i get rewarded for heroics that i did nothing to participate in. Im not complaining though if you want to give me free stuff.
-all bosses are immune to control effects limiting their effective use massively


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    jslegge1901jslegge1901 Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    Same thing with heroism with the paladin. In T9 the other day I tried using it to avoid the soul grab... Yeah that didn't work the way I intended it to. I was immediately grabbed and couldn't do anything about it.
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    dagambitdagambit Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    Have you played the Pwent storyline? You can still be hit even if you dodge his slide attack before he starts it. Even if you are on the other side of the screen.
    They are not going to fix the control mechanic, shoot in the latest mod skirmish all the NPCs are immune to control. They already nerfed the control mechanic once with diminishing returns hard.
    I have complained also about the ranged melee attacks. NPC's are melee you from about 20 to 30 meters away once they start their attack. Thats just part of the combat problems
    Rogue - Setsuna F Seiei (PC)
    Rogue - Setsuna F Seiei (XB1)
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    greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,112 Arc User

    -potion cooldowns are broken, i hit the buttons to use a single health potion, it then goes on a 30 second cooldown along with every other potion i have slotted to tray. I understand that you dont want people having 20 active buffs but this is a health potion....seriously.

    So you feel you should be able to spam potions all you want? If you use a heal pot, yes, that limits your options to use other things, because you're busy drinking during a fight. Hell, when everything else in the game that uses heal pots uses one, they just stand there until their health goes back up.

    -lair and dungeon enemies are still seeing through TR stealth and ignoring control.

    There is no true stealth mechanic in the game.

    -all bosses are immune to control effects limiting their effective use massively

    Yes, they are. It's called "challenge". Control mitigation is the first thing that happens. CWs have no control unless they build for it specifically and their DPS goes in the toilet. In lower level areas the damage from the control power will kill before it controls. At endgame, you can pretty much forget control.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
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    greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,112 Arc User
    Fashion bag was important to a certain set of players. A set large enough to warrant the effort.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
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    modlesiemodlesie Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    Yea- bring back control for Control Wizard >:) >:)
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    demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    Bring back control for all.... cc immunity is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
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    dagambitdagambit Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    If you guys notice the pattern its easier to nerf the player than rewrite code. They nerfed control because it was to strong now its in a place where at times it seems useless. I don't control powers will ever be where they use to be.
    Rogue - Setsuna F Seiei (PC)
    Rogue - Setsuna F Seiei (XB1)
    Rogue - Serenity (PS4)
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    mordekai#1901 mordekai Member Posts: 1,598 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    Yes, they are. It's called "challenge". Control mitigation is the first thing that happens. CWs have no control unless they build for it specifically and their DPS goes in the toilet. In lower level areas the damage from the control power will kill before it controls. At endgame, you can pretty much forget control.

    But its an unimaginative way of presenting challenge.

    Mitigation is one thing, and to be expected, (in the same way that higher level enemies have increased damage mitigation through DR and so on.) But flat out immunity is another thing entirely.
    I've got a 12.5k CW who isn't BiS by any means but he can handle himself. But he looks at the Lions in the Chultan Jungle with envy at their capacity to CC players.

    I don't know where to find on my character sheet the effective CC Resists as a percentage. My Paladin should have a tonne of it, since I've stacked it to the point of having a Legendary Sylph companion granting +50% but still in Chult that character spends half its time on its HAMSTER or standing still, or running away from bloody Yuan Ti. I have 996 whatever the hell that means, but that number doesn't change if I remove the Sylph, and says only that it adds +8% to CC Resist. So, does my Sylph take that to 12% or 58%? Anyone? And since that number says that 996 is (0 + 996. Modified by Items 996) I'm guessing none of the Boons I've taken with CCR appear on my character sheet either. Or the +25% I get from my artifact weapon power bonus.
    Oh, yeah, and when a boon says it reduces CC duration by say 5%, is that pre mitigation, post mitigation or just a ham fisted way of saying +5% CCR???
    And all that is before I get on to the Elven Battle Enchant.
    Like I said, that character is built to keep tanking through CC.

    In content up to and including CN that character seems almost immune to CC, bouncing up from the floor before everyone else has landed... but it seems that there is an inverse ratio to monsters ability to use and ignore CC compared with players ability to do the same in content from Cloaked Alliance onward. (It might also apply in SKT content, but I'll never know...)

    And its not just a little bit. Its a BIG shift in time spent getting up, shaking off stuns, or waiting for ice to melt.

    According to the Wiki...
    Control Resist is a rating that involves Crowd Control Power versus character, decreasing;
    • Combat Advantage, Daze, Immobilize, Prone, Slow & Stun duration
    • Knock, Pull and Push distance.
    If anyone knows where to find a proper explanation of how this all happens, and what effect boons, bonuses and stats have on it, I'd be really grateful.

    If the devs could see their way to including the effective CCR% somewhere on the sheet that would be even better.
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    buckbennyridesbuckbennyrides Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    My CW was my main and sits at 15.7 k.
    My GF at 16 k is a monster in everyway in comparison. No matter how you build a CW, it cannot be built, to control NPCs with control immunity.
    Also the chill mechanic itself, says right at the bottom in the general powers part says, the more damage a stunned/frozen target takes, the faster they recover.
    Between chilling cloud ( with Arti bonus), chilling control, icy veins and the chill mechanic adding chill with all cold based attacks...nothing should move. At least for a second. Chilling presence as a class feature is garbage against bosses. No double damage against frozen targets. Yet every one of the controls used by my gf work fine.
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