I've been farming bears now for over 2 hours, have killed maybe 20 of the correct bears, have gotten a single Plauged Maw. This is RNG behind RNG. When I finally get what I need I'm stuck behind RNG again for my chest piece.
Is this intended? I've been working with another player to call each other to bears as they pop but this is getting old FAST!
I can grind out AD for GMOPS and buy the damn lures quicker than farming them. Sure maybe that's what I should do buy I decided to try and play the new content as it was meant to be played... I'm quickly losing my desire to be in Omu.
Last mod I pretty much spent all my time mooching around solensthar or whatever it's called hunting while I waited for pvp and tong queues to pop. Eventually got the rex head from the KoS hunt just from grinding my own lures. Patience etc.
If they leave the content alone and allow ppl to grind for months the game would die. Need a fair trade off.
I had same results with hunts. Very easy to get first trophies, but after 25+ trophies, I had ZERO trophy drop after 50+ kills.
I do thank you though, you have made me realize once and for all that this game's community is not for me. Have fun!
I (while giggling) told him that this is why the devs said they wanted hunts to be social. You team up with people who have pieces and make lures together, etc, etc, and he yelled "And expect them to not out right take what drops??? I don't think so!!!!" So yeah. This is an issue.
This game is like a pair of shoes. One size does not fit all, so not everyone would agree with this opinion, but there are some who would like to throw the shoes at the monitor/TV and be done with it.
As for the drop rate, I have no problem overall. You don't have to do hunts, it's optional. The RNG is annoying. I killed dozens of hunt creatures and got nothing then got 3 from 3.
If your determined to do it then do it in batches between other stuff to avoid burnout or buy the lures for gmops like an earlier poster suggested. Run some random queues and you can have the gmops to buy lures as quick if not quicker than farming the creatures.