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What makes a top player? From the start of a match

I saw many video on YouTube about best build or most requested build. There is no best pvp build. If you are in a advanced level of pvp (like 1/100 of the people) then you should know good players keep switching their boons/mount bonus/power/daily, some more experienced ones may switch their gears during fight to make even a little more advantage. So rather than focusing on chasing the best build, put more attention to other parts that make you better in different situations.

I am currently one of the top GF in the game. (To prevent from unecessary trouble I will not expose my name here). The aim of this discussion is to help all players to be better at the preparation stage of a pvp game, so to make their game easier.

If you are familiar with your build and some basics about all other class. Then you start to do the following in pvp from now on. This will help not only gf but also all other classes. Before you enter pvp, fully buff yourself. For dps class, take the watermelon, potion of force, scroll of fate, elixir potion, tymora lucky coin, etc. which will give you about 10-15% more damage in pvp and many other benefit. Some people maybe too lazy to do this. But they could lose the game or get 1/2 less kills simply because this step. In a hard fight , a tiny different can alter the results not to say a 15/100 higher damage buff.

Once you enter the domination. Press button X to look at what enemies you are facing. If all enemies are hr, tr, cw, sw then choose power guild boons (8000 power) rather than armor pen boon, because most of these class have low damage resist, they try to survive with their movement rather then stacking their damage resist. Even if there are one or two tanky enemies (gf, op, dc, gwf) you may still choose power boon over armor pen boon cuz there are more chance you will face those squishy class and you can always aim at them. On the other hand, if there are more than 2 tanky enemies then choose armor pen (try to stack your armor pen to 15k+ at least). People may argue for some super tanky class (negation+17k defense) you may need 20k+ armor pen at least. But in pvp the job of a good gf is too clear the squishy class fast and defend the nodes, rather than focusing on killing those tanky class. So it’s really a balance. I would suggest 15k-17k armor pen against a team with many tanky class.

Before you jump down your camp fire you also need to switch overload enchantment. The best ones currently are pvp slayer or ward. They increase your damage against certain class by 10-20% and decrease incoming damage from certain class by 10-20%, which are super useful. I favor the pvp Ward cuz that will make you stand longer against high damage class, like sod TR or archery HR. So look at what are the strongest dps enemies and choose the corresponding pvp wards against them. No need to rush to middle, this step may change the results of your whole game.

The next step is to jump down the campfire and start to fight. There are basically two strategies to start the fight. If you think you are weak in your team (like with a gs of lower than 11k) then go to the nearest node to cap. If you are a strong class you can choose to either go to middle to join team fight or go to far end (node 3) to kill the weak ones (usually weak ones all stay in nearest node from their campfire). If your team has a modest DC or OP, always go to middle to join team fight. If your team doesn’t have those bufffers while other teams do have , then go to node 3; unless enemies are very weak even with their DC/OP you can stick to middle node.

These are some tips that only top players will use in pvp; but even if you are beginner, get used to these in each match, that will simple make you better and making fast progress.

I will write more tips in the future. If you think it’s useful please click like and add your comment; that will give me better motivations. Thanks.


  • kalina311kalina311 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,082 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    ...some more stackable buffs : D guild food +1000 stat +5000 hitpoint // invocation blessings .. and +2000/1500 stats potions not +1000 those are the weak ones lol

    It is important to state to the readers that the order the (buffs / consumables ) are taken is very important as well to maximise their effectiveness so that they dont over write each other or cancel each other out

    for example (subject to review and editing )
    campfire buff being first in order to maximise hitpoint gain the guild food then capsrese if going hit point route
    +2000 effervescent force potion/ invocation blessing / power scroll before watermellon to max the power gain

    effervescent potions are crafted and are good to sell / create yourself
    this is good buff stacking knowledge for pvp or pve
    Post edited by kalina311 on
  • kalina311kalina311 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,082 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    auction house searches ... scroll of fate: (armor pen, power, life steal, recovery, deflect. defense, regen. movement,glory. experience,guild marks ) you can only have one SCROLL active at time combined with everything else SUPPLIES of these are limited as they only come from the winter event once a year then prices on stacks start to go up as stocks dwindle

    these are good for pvp or pve
  • slylscythe#2086 slylscythe Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    So the most obvious thing that separates a professional player from an average player in pvp aside from knowing their build and or goal gear set, is the understanding of the gamemode which is domination.

    Things that need to be worked on are node (Capture Point) rotations, Contesting nodes that should be contested and learning to fight on nodes you are trying to capture.

    Just understanding those key component's will make you 10x better than the average pvp player.

    Next thing that should be worked on is your understanding of other classes (abilities,roles they play,counters)and or team composition's and what to expect.
    Learning your opponents next move before it's made is very important in any game you play doesn't matter the type of game.

    I understand that most people won't know what to expect unless they've played a numerous amount of matches which is why you have to keep an open mind and absorb everything out of every match (win or lose)

    Next thing that is important to becoming a good player is understanding what your class does(abilities affecting others) and what role it plays in domination.

    Most people would already have figured out what their class does or so I would hope from a little bit of pve and the grind to get to lvl 70 but even if you did know what your class does in pve most of that is irrelevant because your fighting AI'S, learning what your abilities do against other players is completely different.

    Now as for the last thing you need to work on is your build and or gear before you spend time or money on gear you need to know what your trying to do with your class, what role are you trying to play? (Healer,Tank,Dps,Controller,Distraction,Buff,Debuff,Rotater) and what classes you should be targeting during a dom match with either of these roles whether it be Ally or Foe is super important.

    If you are to work on all of this I assure you, you will see a huge difference in matches as the components I've mentioned are game changing and are what separate an average pvp player to a professional pvp player.

    Also one thing that you should eliminate from your head is the idea that certain classes don't work or are useless while other classes are broken and dominate pvp.

    First off negativity drowns your ability to learn and progress it places a barrier on your thought process during a fight and will cause you to mess up your playstyle (rotations,skill combos,role to play)

    I'm not saying other classes arnt better balanced then others.
    I'm saying in terms of balance every class has its weakness some examples being...


    These can go on for quite some time and arnt always judged by who kills who because domination isn't about kills it's about Capture Points. If you can keep your mind positive there's nothing that will cloud your playstyle and you will not only have fun but you will be on your way to becoming a professional pvp player.
    Post edited by slylscythe#2086 on
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