I just looked at the log on my CW dummy testing and Icy Rays, Fanning the Flame, Entangling Force and Conduct of Ice cannot proc Infantile Compensation. (Icy Floor proc 2x - probably to compensate those

edit (tldr the thread): thanks to some testing
it seems that Icy Rays, Fanning the Flame, Entangling Force and Conduct of Ice do not proc Infantile Compensation if the CW is using weapon enchantments.
The tooltip was not updated to reflect the change, even though a lot of effort had recently been put into getting tooltips corrected during the October Bug Hunt
There were several requests to get confirmation of this change while it was on Preview, but nothing was confirmed until the changes went live, and it was largely hidden from the public because so much else was going on at that time
It is believed that the change was made to discourage an Active Companion Bonus from being responsible for an inordinately large portion of the damage from certain builds, but it seems the main build in question was one used by a small percentage of lower item level Scourge Warlocks
I'm sure we can all be thankful that time was spent by devs to make hidden changes to one of the few companions that are worth having that not only render it useless for practical purposes but also to finally bring some balance to those OP SWs
If you watch your log long enough, you will likely see IC work on the skills you mentioned, but the ICD makes sure its proc is rare and unreliable for DPS purposes
If you used a fresh loadout with no feats, boons, weapon enchants or gear that could provide any other form of damage so you could be confident you were testing only the skills you mentioned, you probably should have said so
You also didn't mention the ICD so I thought I'd throw that out there so you could incorporate that knowledge in your testing
If your bug report does not contain specific steps to reproduce a bug you found along with where you discovered it, you might as well start it with "I think..." and assume nobody will look into it further for you
The fact that they already nerfed that pet beyond functional usability indicates they probably won't care either way
Get the companion, get to training dummy and fail to critical. Other powers do trigger Infantile compensation (like desintegrate, ray of emf,...), the named do not. You can spam those powers whole day and will not trigger it even once. (Icy terrain on the other hand triggers it more than once per cast.)
God, what do you want me to write more? No, I did not waste respec and did not strip down, I just watched the log and it did not show what it was supposed to show - while with other powers it did perform according to expectation.
It could have just procced on any number of things that didn't crit for a hundred times in a row and then it might
You haven't even said how long you watched for this to happen
Think about it, man
If you stood at a target dummy going through your full rotation 3 times and then came here and insisted that because you didn't see this proc in your combat log, how dumb would that be?
I assume you put more into this than that, so why are you not revealing what testing methods you used?
The method I suggested would be best used on the preview server, which is free and where proper testing is meant to happen, but by including what method you actually used to arrived at your conclusion you give at least some credence to your claims and you add some positive value above zero to the chance that someone might investigate what you say is a problem
I'm just attempting to help you get your bug reported properly... no point in getting hysterical
I think it would be better to just ask how the OP got to that conclusion and then point IF they are wrong , where they are wrong.
@Rikitaki When will log in the game I will double check but I think that CoI procs it on 1st hit. Anyway will be back soon
As you can clearly see, the hits are sorted based on time and owlbear always follows the hit of the encounter at the same second.
Now I think, where you went wrong is actually that the testing was done on dummies. Unless you use a test weapon with low damage, never tests there, specially cw abilities. Reason is that even though the dummy seems like it doesn't die, it actually does when you get it to zero HP. At that point a lot of encounters stop working and so are their effects and procs.
For example make a dummy go to zero hp then wait 5 sec and cast an icy terrain only, you wont see any damage apart from 1st hit.
Another possible explanation can be that you cast (as mentioned above) the skills faster than the 1 sec cooldown, or to be honest a mix of the above.
As you see @preechr may not expressed it right but he was right. Its better when you do a test to post your method so we can see if something was wrong there. No harm in doing mistakes, that's how we all learned but it does help a lot to give details specially if things are not backed by a log.
So you tested it "naked" (I see elven ferocity)?
Anyway for starters, I really did not kill the dummy, not even close,
and I remember that my entangling force starts with zero dmg tick(on tab)/edit: probably unimportant and wrong.(I will get back to the dummy)
Ok, tested again - without weapon enchant I have infantile compensation even on those powers. With t. fey/pure plaguefire/moderate terror I do not.
I dislike the ICD that was put on that pet because it was unnecessary and it causes a lot of confusion
The reason I said his method was important was because even when spamming one spell many times, IC could just be proccing on anything else that was damaging the target, like a WE hit or a DoT tick or boon proc damage
Also, if he was just going through a rotation of various skills then looking at his combat log and seeing what IC procced on, well that’s just wrong all over the place
The ICD ruins the original intent of the pet for no reason, and not stating that it’s there on the tooltip was irresponsible
Lastly, my point still stands that players that neglect (or refuse) to include their testing method have a very low chance of getting attention
The OP got lucky that @oria1 is very helpful and so generous with his/her time
you are 100% right my friend. When I did the first tests I removed wep enchants to have a smaller log since lightning does a lot of procs. Also I did remove gears as my crit% would not allow me to test the owlbear easy.
When you have a wep enchant (I tested mine with unp. Lightning) those skills don't proc the owlbear off or on mastery with the exception of CoI which will proc on mastery once from the extra hit.
Here are the logs and good catch my friend.
We can see form the above logs that owlbear doesn't proc at all, (Left side damage (out)) .
Now pls since it's your finding, post it on bug section and/or preview with red letters etc so devs can fix it. I hope we all learned a lesson here and we should be more understanding and humble. Truth is what's important.
Thank you again rikitaki for finding the bug.
Edit: I thought this is bug report section, that was why I was writing here in the first place.