i used to get rare random event for having a green crafter tier from merging tier 2 whites.
are they still in game, rare chances? some said it doesnt exist.
i know i had few greens pick up from mergings, almost like 3-4 times a year, and it was over a year when last time i got before i went inactive months ago, and recently back since Thanksgiving.
need confirm it still exist. please.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
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Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
If you open profession packs, you can get some green/blue/purple crafters. 4 Green can make a blue, and 4 blue can make a purple, but honestly the purple crafters are 7-15k each, and probably an easier investment then dealing with the perpetual upgrade and RNG of opening packs.
i did remember awhile ago, we had a special crafter weekend special, only catch if they had random "rare" event to get a green grade crafter from white tiers, each hour changed, never know which exact time. that was last time for that crafter weekend event little over 2 years ago.
okay, just updated my old question, it exist, and have screenshots of successful upgrading tier 2 white rank akchemist to get random green rank. took me month long building an army of crafter to hire.
so, it is still in game, i am surprised no one answer this question. and if you are not sure, then go ahead to test by hiring loads of crafters until slots are full before begin the tier merging, it take over a month, just patience. other crafters are easier to get except leadership which is more rarer or harder to get. you would need few alts to process. if not hitting to get green, dont give up!
alchemist seem to be the most easiest to get random chance to land a green grade crafter from merging 4 rank 2s.
Happy Huntings