My request towards our esteemed programmers and designers is as simple as the headline says - make it possible for stronghold coffer logs to be copypasted from the game, like the chat window or one's backstory, or, alternately, for it to be possible to dump them from the game into a text file.
My reasoning for this request is as such. I am an officer of the Mythweavers guild. Late last year, I've tried to introduce weekly tallies of weighted contributions in an attempt to bring at least some verbal accolades and commendations to our most effortful guildies in our otherwise not very used Message of the day. Having a dash of programming/scripting skills, I did this by processing screenshots of the stronghold coffer with a free OCR program, then running some scripting magic on the resulting text dump.
The weakpoint of this approach quickly appeared - even the best OCR is really buggy on the text, especially player names, more so now that the
@handles are being included. It quickly became an inordinate chore to do the processing especially since the majority of the effort would go into making sure contributions didn't disappear due to poor OCR.
With a, I hope trivial change as I mention above, it would be possible for myself and others to do all sorts of interesting statistical work on the available guild data, which I think would be really helpful for any guild that has PVE aims.
I hope my request isn't too bothersome, and if there's already a way to get at the raw text of the logs in question, I'd really appreciate if someone could explain how ^^;.
I'm looking forwards to your response.
/ExportGuildDonationLog filename
The file will be CSV, so you can just name it "Something.txt" or "Something.csv"
You can also specify a path, for example:
/ExportGuildDonationLog G:\my\great\directory\path\filename.csv
Other export options, working the same way:
/ExportGuildMemberList - The current roster.
/ExportGuildActivityLog - Joins, leaves, kicks
/ExportGuildBankLog - Bank in and out
There is already parser for the donations, can't link, and I'm working on an online one.