TRs have been the least popular class in PVE groups ever since mod6. That's hardly a matter of personal opinion (I still like TRs) but the general opinion of the server.
Players will almost always prefer a GWF, HR, CW or SW (usually in that order) over a TR. Why do you think is that? Is it because TR players are generally less skilled than any other dps class or is something else wrong?
The answer is obvious, what isn't obvious is why devs dont do somethign about it? Its been like that for 7 mods now!
Is it because highly geared TRs (0.01% of the server) can be challenging opponents in PVP? If that is the reason then why don't you rework their powers to work differently in PVE/PVP, you already nerfed some powers in PVP in the past e.g. Disheartening strike
Any PVE TRs that are still playing were expecting a rework in the next mod (actually several mods before that).
I may be wrong, but the only changes I've seen are NERFs. For example the shadowborn feat. Now at it's max level it will give a 25% damage buff on the next strike, instead of the 100% power buff. 100% power buff is usually higher than a 100% damage buff (much higher when buffed by DCs etc), therefore the change is at least a 400% damage nerf 100+% ---> 25%
Did you feel that PVE TRs were dominating the PVE groups and needed a further nerf?
I wonder, do the people taking these decisions have any real, up-to-date, NW in-game experience?