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Particle effects stop drawing after a few minutes playing

oldcoffeeoldcoffee Member Posts: 6 Arc User
bug report id 4656856

1) Log in to a level 70 Great Weapon Fighter
2) Slot Moderate Frostburn Enchantment in armor, and Lesser Frost Enchantment in weapon
3) Be in any zone
4) Play for 4-20 minutes
5) All particle effects stop drawing

Observed Result:
Sparkly particle effects should be everywhere for indicating loots to pick up and where my next place to go is, and to look snazzy and entertaining.

Expected Result:
Sparkly effects are not showing at all, just flat, dull, too hard for old people to see quest item icons and no zomg explosions etc.

I've had this game-breaking problem since returning to Neverwinter after a hiatus, ironically my wife's (i.e. my old) PC hasn't got the problem - and it's an old Core2Duo!


  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    You running the Siege? That tends to accelerate the issue.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • oldcoffeeoldcoffee Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    It occurs especially in the siege, with all characters, but this issue is the same but persists over all content. Again, only on my gwf when he has frost enchants slotted. I slotted the same enchants in my cw and played 3 days without a hitch, mebbe it's his polar bear? I'm beyond even guessing.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    There are other posts on it. Devs have no answer and there is a lot of supposition on why it happens.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    Yea it often starts occurring for me usually just before or right at the time the Siege event starts. I certainly noticed this issue occur the time before as well. There have been a few other threads that also talk about why loot drops stop glowing Green/Blue/Purple/Golden as even Common items look a real dirty yellow hard to see.

    Resetting graphics never helps and sometimes I see my companions attack powers disapear or a certain glow about them mostly fade away entirely.

    • When drops stop glowing green/blue/etc... my Will-O-Wisp displays only faint blue outlines no white ball or night light.
    • When drops stop glowing green/blue/etc... my Wayward Wizard flaps arms but can't see powers activate or firing.

    When my Will-O-Wisp is white sometimes it appears to get covered in some darker green color in siege? I mostly notice this while on Siege maps as many of their powers use a slimy green color; often it turns off the usual bright white off and leaves only a faint blue outline... sometimes it SPARKS back almost immediately to it's brilliant White a few seconds later but many times it does not. If it does not the bright white night light disappears as does drops glowing--perhaps a clue to what occurs?

    I often wonder why Red Area's that identify enemy targeting can often change to as many as 3 very different effects as well rather than stay standardized on one.
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • juraki79juraki79 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    Can a moderator, or developer please acknowledge that this is a known issue? It's been reported on countless websites and forums including this one, a simple google search turns up a huge amount posts with people experiencing and describing the exact same problem. (seemingly for YEARS)

    I have yet to see an official response from anyone at cryptic on this, let alone any tips to prevent it. I don't want to even think about how many voucher drops I missed because of this during the siege event.

    My wife also has problems memorizing dungeons as well as me, so when it happens to her, she no longer has a quest path to follow and it's incredibly frustrating to her. I feel terrible that I'm unable to help her beyond saying "exit the game and re-open it, we'll just wait".

    At this point I think it would be a nice gesture to at least acknowledge that this is happening, and to PLEASE provide ANY suggestions, like turning off a setting or adjusting something in graphics options. I'd even be happy with a console command that resets something in the engine, we could then at least bind that and toggle it when it happens. It's simply not feasible to always exit and re-open to fix this.

    As mentioned already above, the siege event seems to cause this very quickly, any other time it only seems to happen after a long period of game play. I barely get 10 to 15 minutes on the siege map before I'm then sweeping the ground with my cursor hoping that I'm not missing a barely visible, pale gold pile blending into the terrain where a glowing blue marker should be.

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this, I sincerely hope you can provide some sort of official response.

    Edited spelling.
  • juraki79juraki79 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    This thread is the only one with a response I've seen so far, and it was "Escalating the issue":


    Note that the OP said he can reliably reproduce the bug by using a character with a feytouched enchant. It was also mentioned that your character didn't even need to be using one, even being grouped or near another player with one caused it. The siege event would obviously bring many players together drastically increasing the odds that someone with feytouched equipped weapon would be rendered by your game client. I believe this is also why I had to restart the game client so often during the winter festival.

    This might be a dead end, so I don't want to lead people to only focus on this possibility but it's worth mentioning.
  • oldcoffeeoldcoffee Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Without the Siege Event going on, I experienced it with my frost enchants, it's definitive evidence for me. I take them out - everything works for days and days, put them in either one or the other or both and inside and hour it will happen without fail on any map, with or without other players about. I haven't played in years, but these enchants were there before and I don't recollect it ever happening back then. And both of our computers are equipped with NVidia GTX 750 Ti's which is all the more perplexing for me. Also, if it helps, I play Star Trek Online and haven't had any issues in there. Thanks for the replies, it's great to not be so lonely at least!
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    Yea I don't know if the drop glow issue has been occuring for years all the time but has occurred often around Siege time for a long time. Now I recently equipped Fey Weapon Enchants on most my toons but they've had it for 2 or 3 months and never once noticed this problem until just before or during the Siege. Someone also above notices it with their Frost and I don't believe it has anything to do with either Enchant either!

    Suggesting a weapon enchant may likely lead down a dead end path. Cause my Wizard uses a Dread and even if she goes on a map with no or few players on it often her Will-O-Wisp companion sometimes turns a green color briefly before the white night light effect fades. While my companion is not glowing white drops no longer glow as well.

    Now sometimes the Will-O-Wisp will spark back after being enveloped in some green slime color but often it does not.

    I suspect the real cause is more than likely an attack power one of the Thayans is using that causes some strange slime green color effect that not only impairs drops from glowing but many companion powers from being visible.
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • ragnarjirka#1376 ragnarjirka Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Hello. I've seen the effect for awhile, too.

    It's not instantaneous, though. Gradually, particle effects get sort of exhausted. The process is faster if there is a lot of activity on the map, but it's easy to replicate even if I'm the only one (i.e. on Stronghold map). It just takes a bit longer. About 5-10 minutes. On full maps with a lot of activity, like the Siege, it happens usually at less than 2 minutes of game play for me.

    The bug starts to manifest with the quest path, which looses blue sparks and only small amount of red sparks remain. The next step is that the quest path is no longer rendered and drop items loose their white sparks, beam remains. Next is that drops does not have the "beam" mark. And than all the fire loose particle effects, too. The final stage is that white foggy marks around items with interaction possibility diminish too.

    Few examples follow.

    The "Potion of Accuracy" still has the beam mark, but those gold piles don't. Also the quest path is visible on mini-map, but not rendered on the world.
    Particles Bug Stage 1

    Here the fire does not have any "fire particles" and only faded blue ribbon remains.
    Particles Bug Stage 2

    This is the DxDiag output at the time of playing:

    It's really frustrating and sometimes it's quite simple to miss a drop due to the bug.
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    I've wonder if they've just gone overboard on a few too many attack effects; of it was caused when they change graphical effects to sometimes not render if several players used similar powers in close proximity?

    Perhaps it's more an issue of the client deciding how / when it clears video cards cache, when effects require rendering or when?
    Post edited by strathkin on
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