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CW Cant Dps Due To Being Nerfed

blackwolftundrablackwolftundra Member Posts: 179 Arc User
I was in ballad last week on my Spellstorm Mage cw where I had no trouble killing Baphomet while he's minions and when i go back today that i noticed how my spells where not going through him like he's minions for how they could go through me and my bubble in seconds for how my Lillend companion could not keep me live so when i die and use Master of Flame i noticed i couldn't use both builds for how frustrating this was so why did they even Nerf the cw if you cant even play them now in ballad so annoying


  • kiraskytowerkiraskytower Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    Before making a statement like "CWs are nerfed and cannot DPS" I would recommend checking out some of the CW guides on the forums here. Since you are running around as a Master of Flame and using Lillend as a companion it's fairly clear you have little to no idea what you are doing ...

    CW as a class may not be top of the paingiver chart anymore (GWF is there) but the class certainly has the DPS to handle any content in the game except possibly ToNG (and many CWs do well in ToNG as Debuffers ....).
    Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
    Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited December 2017

    CW as a class may not be top of the paingiver chart anymore (GWF is there) but the class certainly has the DPS to handle any content in the game except possibly ToNG (and many CWs do well in ToNG as Debuffers ....).

    Actually, a good CW player with the right build who knows exactly what (s)he is doing can do really well in ToNG - I have been keeping some records of my ToNG runs, and there was one run when the main DPS was a CW (OK, just one out of 120 or so, but still..). It was not the fastest run (35 minutes), but there were no wipes and everything went smoothly enough.

    (for the record, the weirdest ToNG run I have ever been in was one where the OP was the top DPS with over 2 billion, and I (DC) was in second place, ahead of the GWF, CW and the other DC). I still don't understand how we managed to finish in 24 minutes.)

    Anyhow, back to the CW - while it is hard for a CW to be the Top-DPS, it is absolutely not hard to be "good enough". With the right build, gear and powers, a CW should have no reason to complain about DPS (They have a reason to complain about their "Control" powers becoming more and more pointless and more mobs are control immune, but that's a separate issue).

    As for your build, @kiraskytower is absolutely correct. I also suspect your ArPen might be painfully low.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • callumf#9018 callumf Member Posts: 1,710 Arc User
    If you read the original poster's post s/he says they used to have no trouble with Ballad and now s/he does, hence the comment that NOW CW has been nerfed :smile:

    That is one way I judge my build etc, by repeating things such as Biggrins Tomb solo and looking at how long and how easy/hard it is.

    So has CW been nerfed recently?
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    Maybe that content was buffed :smile:
    Anyway take this in the optimistic way: You will learn a lot now :D and you will be surprised about how powerfull a CW can be
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
    Caturday Survivor
    Elemental Evil Survivor
    Undermontain Survivor
    Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
    Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    There is not enough information given to respond, frankly. What information is given is extremely hard to parse due to the lack of punctuation and odd grammar choices.

    There have been no documented changes in the last week to either CW or Ballad. It is possible that there is a bug, but no way to even begin to test given the lack of information. Without actual facts, it is pointless to speculate what is going on witj the OP.

    However, I would say that my alt CW runs Ballad weekly as MoF Thaum without any issue and additionally just completed SKT, again with no problem. The paragon might not be best for personal DPS but isn't noticeably weak in solo content.

    Same for the Lillend. I'm not running one on any characters, but as a bonding pet it is acceptable and it is no worse than most summoned pets that people use without bondings.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    I run a Lillend on my CW as an active. Not as the summoned. Just for the Heal-on-Daily-Use.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    First off, I witnessed main dps in Tong from GWF, TR, CW, Hunter so far no issues, all classes are able to do the content by sure.
    But maybe some dungeons got buffed secretly?
    I run a random Master of Ilusion and the mobs eflt much tougher as before, maybe it was the miserable group, but I am pretty sure the mobs got bufffed.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,518 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    greywynd said:

    I run a Lillend on my CW as an active. Not as the summoned. Just for the Heal-on-Daily-Use.

    I also use Lillend in some of my characters as summoned.
    1. it is cheap (actually free).
    2. it is epic
    3. 3 offense slots and 3 rings.
    4. She can proc bonding. Not great but it works.

    Since OP said there is a noticeable difference between "last week" and "this week", my wild long shot guess is he switched the loadout (with missing feats or even no feat) and did not remember that.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    @blackwolftundra i noticed drops on my cw due to the bondings percentages
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    cheaper is con artis 2 offence 1 defence (rune slots, defence helps on survivability) and 3rings equipment(skt rings on seal of protector shop or chult rings) cheapest to get gear and at blue quality max level it unlocks a debuff, but aim for a sellsword(same debuff but hard to get the gear from IG).
  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User
    Thanks to years of Simril fests, I have free Lillends on all 8 of my used characters, which I use summoned on all but my CW (main) who has a Con Artist instead. The 3 rings slots make them easy to gear up with account bound rings so you can trade them and the bondings between characters. I have a set of DPS rings/enchants I use for soloing on all of them and a set of support rings/enchants.

    As for the OP's direct experience, I can't really speak to it since I haven't bothered with Baphomet since about a month after it came out. I haven't noticed any difference in my own CW's effectiveness though, aside from the bonding nerf.

    On the other hand, I have noticed a weird thing from time to time. Sometimes, my characters (any of them) melt things unusually well for a time, then other times they feel like playing a wet paper towel. These phases can last from a few minutes to an hour or more. I can't explain it, but it doesn't feel like I'm playing differently, it feels like streaky RNG making me hit unusually hard or soft. If I'm not crazy, that could be what the OP experienced. I'd suggest going back and trying your Spellstorm CW in Baphomet again and see if you have the same experience again or if it went back to normal. The dice gods may have just been out to lunch that day.

    And before the obligatory "streaky RNG is a figment of your imagination" post, the random Throne run I did a couple weeks ago that gave out three (sadly useless) +5 rings and a Sgt Knox at the end would beg to differ.
  • blackwolftundrablackwolftundra Member Posts: 179 Arc User

    Before making a statement like "CWs are nerfed and cannot DPS" I would recommend checking out some of the CW guides on the forums here. Since you are running around as a Master of Flame and using Lillend as a companion it's fairly clear you have little to no idea what you are doing ...

    CW as a class may not be top of the paingiver chart anymore (GWF is there) but the class certainly has the DPS to handle any content in the game except possibly ToNG (and many CWs do well in ToNG as Debuffers ....).

    I know how to play a CW I have been playing one since mod5 and know how to play this game as well they had done something to the cw where I can not play mine at all and do you think I would of been here if there wasn't nothing wrong with them cause I know what I'm talking about
  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User
    I just saw that another CW opened a bug report about a similar sounding situation: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1236724/issues-with-bonding-procs-or-ras-nsi/p1

    Not sure if they're related, but it sounds like they could be...
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  • blackwolftundrablackwolftundra Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    bellkazi said:

    adinosii said:

    Actually, a good CW player with the right build who knows exactly what (s)he is doing can do really well in ToNG

    I have two nice builds on my CW but I have no idea what could of happened to them cause when I was playing two weeks ago that I was not having this issue before tell now why I cant wait to see if they get added to patch notes
  • edited December 2017
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  • thrill#1417 thrill Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    I ran a T9G group with OP (me), 2 DC and 2 CW and it was not much different than our standard runs. Took about 24 minutes, no wipes. One CW was HDPS and the other was MOF buffer. CW is totally viable for HDPS. Though, I do have to admit our dps CW was elite. 16.8k and a top 10 PvPer.
  • blackwolftundrablackwolftundra Member Posts: 179 Arc User

    I ran a T9G group with OP (me), 2 DC and 2 CW and it was not much different than our standard runs. Took about 24 minutes, no wipes. One CW was HDPS and the other was MOF buffer. CW is totally viable for HDPS. Though, I do have to admit our dps CW was elite. 16.8k and a top 10 PvPer.

    i was in ballad one day and when i went to kill Baphomet that my cw was unable to damage him and when i tried to kill he's minions that i was unable to damage them either for how they could go through me in sec cause if you click on this link you will see I'm not the only one complaining https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1236724/issues-with-bonding-procs-or-ras-nsi/p1
  • lowenduslowendus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 322 Arc User

    Before making a statement like "CWs are nerfed and cannot DPS" I would recommend checking out some of the CW guides on the forums here. Since you are running around as a Master of Flame and using Lillend as a companion it's fairly clear you have little to no idea what you are doing ...

    CW as a class may not be top of the paingiver chart anymore (GWF is there) but the class certainly has the DPS to handle any content in the game except possibly ToNG (and many CWs do well in ToNG as Debuffers ....).

    What do you mean "anymore" xD

    GWF have been roflstomping on content since ages ago topping those charts!
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Beta through Mod 4, CW was the completely dominant DPS class.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • therealprotextherealprotex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 526 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    pitshade said:

    Beta through Mod 4, CW was the completely dominant DPS class.

    And they should be. If arcane powers were on the same level as simply physical vigor, I guess not many in Faerun would go the hard long way, study the arts of the arcane to become a feeble mage. Arcane powers are supposed to be superior to physical power in the realm and to be honest, I never heard so far about a great weapon fighter lich...
  • preechr#2215 preechr Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    "Let's have Wizards in our game! People LOVE Wizards!"
    "Ok, but let's make them a specific sub-class of Wizard, specializing in Control Powers like slows, stuns and roots"
    "Right... We wouldn't want them to be too powerful, blowing up everything in the Dungeon..."
    2 days later...
    "Yeah, the 27 guys playing PvP really hate slows, stuns and roots..."
    "Make EVERYTHING immune to Control!!"
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    I run Tong with my AC DC...
    GF tank, DO DC, CWmof, CW SS (13k) as main dps.
    One of my fastes runs ever and no OP involved, that debuffs were huge, the 13k SS CW dealt pretty nice DPS.
    Average effectiveness about 220+%.
    Get a mof debuffer
    Do SS and mof stack different debuffs?
    At boss encounter effect. 280+% was no issue
  • blackwolftundrablackwolftundra Member Posts: 179 Arc User

    I run Tong with my AC DC...

    GF tank, DO DC, CWmof, CW SS (13k) as main dps.

    One of my fastes runs ever and no OP involved, that debuffs were huge, the 13k SS CW dealt pretty nice DPS.

    Average effectiveness about 220+%.

    Get a mof debuffer

    Do SS and mof stack different debuffs?

    At boss encounter effect. 280+% was no issue

    i was going to take a video of my broken CW but after i saw my CW doing damage to Baphomet that i was kind of happy they had listened not just to my post but other players as well why loving my CW again :)
  • rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    edited December 2017

    I was in ballad last week on my Spellstorm Mage cw where I had no trouble killing Baphomet while he's minions and when i go back today that i noticed how my spells where not going through him like he's minions for how they could go through me and my bubble in seconds for how my Lillend companion could not keep me live so when i die and use Master of Flame i noticed i couldn't use both builds for how frustrating this was so why did they even Nerf the cw if you cant even play them now in ballad so annoying

    You faced that only on Ballad ? i think a CW in my guild was talking about having a hard time doing the same stuff...
    have you fighted to the end or reseted out of instance to test it again ?

    PS. I'm Asking because i will use my CW alt to see what happens tonight... i will also play as spellstorm, i will get a lillend i have in bank too, but knowing you GS would help to imagine how hard was for you there

    Tks in advance...
  • blackwolftundrablackwolftundra Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    rafaelda said:

    I was in ballad last week on my Spellstorm Mage cw where I had no trouble killing Baphomet while he's minions and when i go back today that i noticed how my spells where not going through him like he's minions for how they could go through me and my bubble in seconds for how my Lillend companion could not keep me live so when i die and use Master of Flame i noticed i couldn't use both builds for how frustrating this was so why did they even Nerf the cw if you cant even play them now in ballad so annoying

    You faced that only on Ballad ? i think a CW in my guild was talking about having a hard time doing the same stuff...
    have you fighted to the end or reseted out of instance to test it again ?

    PS. I'm Asking because i will use my CW alt to see what happens tonight... i will also play as spellstorm, i will get a lillend i have in bank too, but knowing you GS would help to imagine how hard was for you there

    Tks in advance...</blockquote i see i did go back last week on my CW but after i saw the fix that i decided not to post my video of my CW when i was in ballad but if i do encounter that bug that i will be sure to post it on youtube
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