Hi guys. I must have hit something that shrinked all my icons. My chat is so small I can't even read it. Anyone help with restoring the original settings. I have tried to restore all defaults and uninstalled/re-installed game.
I can't seem to post my screen shot of it, sorry.
Any help would be appreciated as I can't play when icons are so small.
1.00 or 100% is default.
When I first logged in after getting this computer, everything was out of proportion, graphics were messed up, all the text was tiny, and my camera was way too close to my toon. I had to get a freind to teamview onto my computer to help me change my settings until Neverwinter looked normal again. Now almost everything in Neverwinter looks normal except for player names, the wondrous bazaar on preview server, and the change instance window.
Player names on my computer are tiny and can be difficult to read at any kind of distance, this usually doesn't bother me unless I am in PVP and need to recognize specific people easily. This has made it much more difficult for me to target the correct person when my team asks me to kill X person or stall Y person. I did attempt to fix this issue already but I was only able to resize the text in my chatbox, I wasn't able to adjust the size of player names.
For the wondrous bazaar on preview server and the change instance windows, they both have the same issue. They both have tabs/rows that are listed horizontally instead of vertically. This has made it so I have trouble clicking on the furthest away tabs in the bazaar window and usually have to close and reopen the bazaar in order to get to that last tab. It also makes it so I am unable to check how many players are on an instance because I can't see that row in the change instance window. For months, I thought the devs had removed the number of players on instance row and I only found out the truth a couple months ago. Because of this issue, I no longer volunteer to call dragon runs for zerg channels.
Here are a couple of screenshots so you can see the problem:
@miasmat, by any chance do you have a sugestion that may fix my issue? I think the fix you gave @mozzy was the same thing I used to resize my chatbox but it does not work for player names. I have no idea how to fix the change instance window either.
I just tried the fix that @miasmat and @chadvaliant gave @mozzy . It was not the same thing I used to fix my chat text. My interface scale was already maxed out and downsizing it a little bit did fix my issue with the change instance window, only downside is it makes my UI is smaller than I would like it to be. I still do not have a fix for the character names issue though.
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
The zoomed out camera should be fixable with the mousewheel to zoom the camera. If you've messed with the FOV (people used to use this to simulate zooming the camera), you can reset it with "/gfxsetdefaultfov 55"
This is what I mean by maxed interface scale:
My interface scale is able to be set to a max of 2.0, which is what I normally use. My interface is almost unplayably tiny if I actually try setting it to 1.0 and its even worse when its below 1.0. Here is a screenshot of what my screen looks like when I actually set it to 1.0:
I mentioned earlier that I figured out a way to get my change instance window to display the number of players row that I was missing. I have to set my settings to around 1.62 in order to fix the number of players row and when I do that, I get other UI issues. The most notable one I have spotted so far is that the faces of players I am inspecting frequently get covered up by their name, alliance, title, and guild tags. This probably isn't the only issue I am going to run into if I actually keep my interface settings at 1.62. I'm thinking I may just have to deal with not being able to check the number of players on instances since the issues presented by setting my interface to below 2.0 are going to be more annoying than my problem with the change instance window
Here is a screenshot of the name tag issue when I set my interface to 1.62:
Here is what my change instance window looks like when set to 1.62:
Also, the issue I have with player names being too tiny seems like it is not something I can actually adjust so its probably not tied to an interface bug. The names stay tiny no matter what my settings are, they don't change when I play with the interface scale at all and nothing else I have adjusted has changed it either. What I do know is that character names were a lot bigger and much easier to read on my old computer, which was an older gaming laptop.
Also, my camera distance/zoom doesn't need fixing, I already fixed it months ago. Instead of bothering with a zoom in and out feature, I keep my camera distance set to a higher number than default and that seems to work well.
The zoom out I use is: /gfxsetdefaultfov 85
As for the mousewheel idea, I know a lot of players use their mousewheel as a zoom but a freind of mine sugested a much better mousewheel bind I still use to this day. I bind both hard target lock and the undo for hard target lock to my mouse wheel. This makes my hard target lock work kind of like a light switch where scrolling up makes me lock onto a target and scrolling down is the unlock. Here is the binds I use:
Mouse Wheel Upwards:
/bind wheelplus hardtargetlock 1
Mouse Wheel Downwards:
/bind wheelminus hardtargetlock 0
I have heard its possible for games to be updated so they can support computers with larger resolutions, does Cryptic have any plans to do something like that and is it even possible?
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
While you're at it, can you tell me your screen resolution? You can see what the game thinks it is with "/screen". It'll print two numbers, like "1920 1080" which is the window width and height. We haven't really tested the UI at big resolutions since 4K has started to become common in consumer grade monitors. We should probably get around to addressing that some time soon.
I'm a little confused as to what you mean about the fov stuff. By "flat" are you referring to the weird stuff that happens if your fov is nearly maxed out? Where buildings start bending sideways?
My camera distance was something I successfully adjusted months ago and did not need a fix for. I just tried your suggestion of setting my fov back to 55 and then zooming out using the new options feature. It does look different now but I'm not sure what this was supposed to fix and I don't like the effect it had. If this was suposed to help me with my character names and UI issues, it doesn't appear to have had any effect on that. This new options setting is making my mounts look out of proportion when they are moving and facing away from me. The tails all look too squat and short and my mounts all feel slower and got noticeably smaller too. My champion's armored bulette for example, used to be taller and larger than horse mounts and now it is the same height as the horse mounts. The mount however has the same heavy lumbering gate as it did before but because of the drop in size, that seems to be making it feel like it now runs way slower than it really does. Oddly, my character also feels slower and like she is covering less ground when she runs but its hard to tell if my character actually changed size as well. A few other details in the neverwinter world also changed size and now I kinda feel like I'm walking around in a doll house sized version of NW even though the changes were all very subtle. Its disorienting. I'm not sure of a better way to describe it other than that.
As for what my screen resolution says in game, your command gave me this:
Screen resolution: 3840 2160
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
The uiscale of 2 (or 1.62) is the cause of the missing columns. There's a bug we've been tracking for a while - I'll try to get someone on that soon.
There is a separate chat font scale setting you can adjust separately from the rest of the uiscale. Click on the little gear on the chat window, somewhere in there is the chat options where you'll find the chat font scale.
I know about the font scale, I had said I used it earlyer and that it worked for chat text but not for names like I had hoped.
As for the name thing, the options zoom didn't appear to help any with that but thanks for sugestion.
Do you know if there is a /undo command or a default setting for the zoom in and out option? I was hoping to reset the options zoom to default so I don't have to fiddle with different zoom settings and fov settings to try to find a close match to my previous fov. I know the default for fov is 55 but no idea what it is for zoom.
Also, I'm glad that the UI bug and 4k resolution issues may be adressed by your team in the future.
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC