As 70 I have enough item level to que selected epic dungeons/skirmishes below 10k, but I can't que random. Is it that hard to write algorythm for random que that would pick only dungeons available? Why lock the que just because one of those possible dungeons require 10k item level?
well you need 11k il to do random epic dungeons, you need both spell plague master and fangbreaker island unlocked and if one toon has both unlocked you get all unlocked on all your characters just need the item level and 28% everfrost resistance.
If that it really true that players don't wont to play MSP & FBI - surely the question is why? Not how can we force them too
Just my 2 cents worth
arcanjo86Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,093Arc User
They want to prevent players from un-equipping items to bring down their item level to avoid fbi and msp.
That can be easily fixed. Make players unable to change gear once inside dungeon. This way if you choose lower equipment to go to lower level dungeon you have to stick to gear you put on, and play that dungeon at lower item level. So no real advantage.
Preventing loadouts or gear switches would cause alot of issues. It would prevent you from being able to effectively adjust to your group composition.
Should have the easy epics (malabog up to lostmauth ) as one qeue category, normal epics (cragmire to castle never) as another, and then fbi + msp as a third category. To9g would stay by itself.
Rewards should scale better with dungeon difficulty.
Obviously this will never happen so none of our opinions matter.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
Actually that would bring more strategy dungeon wise. You would have to plan what to bring optimaly because of gear lock. Loadouts are good if you want to play different role spec, but it won't help the game if you abuse it with changing loadouts for every fight in dungeon.
What do you mean by abusing it. You can only change loadout on camp fire (besides PE, etc common area). It is part of the design of loadout. Some said that is too restrictive already. Regardless, the dev expects you may want to change loadout before the boss fight. Usually, there is a camp fire before entering the boss room.
If you can't change loadout for different situations, there is no point to have loadout at all. For certain class, there is AOE spec and single target spec. On route to the boss, AOE spec. Fighting boss, single target spec. People used to change gear/power one by one on the camp fire. Loadout saves the headache.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Actually that would bring more strategy dungeon wise. You would have to plan what to bring optimaly because of gear lock. Loadouts are good if you want to play different role spec, but it won't help the game if you abuse it with changing loadouts for every fight in dungeon.
Which might be valid IF you knew what Dungeon you were about to enter.
Loudouts allow quick gear/power setup shifts. Peronally I think they allow too much variation, and would prefer to be able to switch companions and mounts rather than switch the entire build of my character from stats and paragon upward. (Kind of goes against the ethos of the Dungeons and Dragons character creation system) But since they are what they are, one purpose of them is to allow quick shifts between dungeon crawl and boss fights.
They want to prevent players from un-equipping items to bring down their item level to avoid fbi and msp.
It seems to me a inventory lock-on-queue would be far simpler.
Good luck with that, I'm a DPS GF who NEEDS to be able to use my loadouts/gear swap based on party comp.
Yeah, a lock on start up is a bad idea.
If ppl are actively avoiding FBI, MSP and ToNG, then perhaps they need to look at the reason why and address the cause, not the symptom. Here is a guess - make the rewards worth the effort and ppl will run the dungeons, its been said 1000's of times.
lantern22Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,111Arc User
I don't like min-maxing stuff, separate for crawl, separate for boss, etc. You should be locked to one spec inside dungeon, plan your gear to be versatile. And don't get damage chart paranoia like some do.
That might be OK if your'e not the tank, but what happens if you end up with FBI and all of a sudden need Everfrost resistance stacked or need to change loadouts to a more defensive one? Ppl don't take too kindly to tanks dying regularly in dungeon runs.
Bad idea. Think things through ppl.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
I don't like min-maxing stuff, separate for crawl, separate for boss, etc. You should be locked to one spec inside dungeon, plan your gear to be versatile. And don't get damage chart paranoia like some do.
That might be OK if your'e not the tank, but what happens if you end up with FBI and all of a sudden need Everfrost resistance stacked or need to change loadouts to a more defensive one? Ppl don't take too kindly to tanks dying regularly in dungeon runs.
Bad idea. Think things through ppl.
It applies to everyone. For example, I have a set of SKT gear that I never use except running FBI and MSVA. Reason: I don't want to burn the vblood from them and I don't really need it in anywhere else. I don't need the SKT gear to give me resistance to enter RQ but I will prefer to use it if I do FBI/MSVA. It is a waste of vblood if I end up in VT which I would use my 3rd set of gear for pure XP gain.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
If ppl are actively avoiding FBI, MSP and ToNG, then perhaps they need to look at the reason why and address the cause, not the symptom. Here is a guess - make the rewards worth the effort and ppl will run the dungeons, its been said 1000's of times.
People are not avoiding ToNG - it is being run non-stop by a fairly large group of people. People are actively avoiding random queueing for it, however.
Why? Well, because of the way it is designed a "1 healer, 1 Tank, 3 DPS" group is, well..."sub-optimal". Sure, you can complete it with a group like that - A DC/OP/GWF/SW/CW group should be able to do it easily, but, say OP/GF/SW/SW/SW group would probably have some pretty serious issues.
More importantly, a weaker group composition will mean a longer run time (assuming you manage to complete at all). Whytake the risk of ending in a 60-minute run with a random group, when you can do 3 20-minute runs with an "optimal" group in the same time?
That's why people are not using the Hero's Accord to random queue for ToNG. And yea, we told them - and they ignored us.
Just my 2 cents worth
Actually... after seeing the Bonding nerf... they might.
Good luck though...
Should have the easy epics (malabog up to lostmauth ) as one qeue category, normal epics (cragmire to castle never) as another, and then fbi + msp as a third category. To9g would stay by itself.
Rewards should scale better with dungeon difficulty.
Obviously this will never happen so none of our opinions matter.
If you can't change loadout for different situations, there is no point to have loadout at all. For certain class, there is AOE spec and single target spec. On route to the boss, AOE spec. Fighting boss, single target spec. People used to change gear/power one by one on the camp fire. Loadout saves the headache.
If the changes result in increased Zen sales, it will look like a "success", right ?
Loudouts allow quick gear/power setup shifts. Peronally I think they allow too much variation, and would prefer to be able to switch companions and mounts rather than switch the entire build of my character from stats and paragon upward. (Kind of goes against the ethos of the Dungeons and Dragons character creation system) But since they are what they are, one purpose of them is to allow quick shifts between dungeon crawl and boss fights.
If ppl are actively avoiding FBI, MSP and ToNG, then perhaps they need to look at the reason why and address the cause, not the symptom. Here is a guess - make the rewards worth the effort and ppl will run the dungeons, its been said 1000's of times.
Bad idea. Think things through ppl.
Why? Well, because of the way it is designed a "1 healer, 1 Tank, 3 DPS" group is, well..."sub-optimal". Sure, you can complete it with a group like that - A DC/OP/GWF/SW/CW group should be able to do it easily, but, say OP/GF/SW/SW/SW group would probably have some pretty serious issues.
More importantly, a weaker group composition will mean a longer run time (assuming you manage to complete at all). Whytake the risk of ending in a 60-minute run with a random group, when you can do 3 20-minute runs with an "optimal" group in the same time?
That's why people are not using the Hero's Accord to random queue for ToNG. And yea, we told them - and they ignored us.