Level 70 Green equipment is worth 50 RP, but sells at most about 40 AD.
Basic Resonance stones are worth 50 RP and sell for 200 AD.
I imagine this will take some time to balance out, since some of those sellers had them in there before the update. Meanwhile level 70 green is going out as fast as it comes in. I checked and level 70 blue no longer converts to RP.

I wonder if this will lower the stones or raise the items? Another question, are the resonance stones being phased out, just like the union, stability, and power stones?
> Level 70 Green equipment is worth 50 RP, but sells at most about 40 AD.
> Basic Resonance stones are worth 50 RP and sell for 200 AD.
> I imagine this will take some time to balance out, since some of those sellers had them in there before the update. Meanwhile level 70 green is going out as fast as it comes in. I checked and level 70 blue no longer converts to RP.
I guess power, stability, union, etc stones that are on the AH now are the last in game and once they sell and get turned to RP then they will not exist anymore. They don't drop in game anymore. My question is, now enchants don't drop from mobs or leadership bags, where do they come from?
> Resonance stones, thaumaturgic stones and power/stability/union stones have all been replaced with gemstones.
> I have hardly been on since 12.5 hit live but I was disheartened to see none on my BtC RP had been converted to new BtC RP, does this mean if I want to sort my inventories now I should just get rid of them? Or will they still be dropping? I still have pretty much everything BtC from opening Invoke bags.
The stuff in your inventory will not have been converted. You have to do it yourself. Just right click on the btc item and select the option to convert it to RP. Don't discard it
Quartermaster bags too.