So, it looks like, since they fixed the WWoB stacking, they also stopped the way Shadowborn interacted with Whirlwind, as well. It no longer holds the Shadowborn buff. This makes dying breath the better option, in my opinion.
Just an FYI to the Shadowborn holdouts who, like me, didn't realize this change had been implemented as there was no mention of it by the devs.
Lilia Drakon - PVE Executioner TR
She Looked Lvl 18
Here is my Blog0
*Hello darkness dear old friend....*
Or maybe we should think about another tactic, something like reverse psychology, so instead of begging for an tweak/buff, we should ask for an "Nerf us down to ground, wehre we belong to be!!!111ELEVEN"
And suddenly the devs buffs us skyhigh....
I had an dream...
But are you that sure about dying breath?
Ok with the loadouts we could use different guides, and TonG is for me definitely more Tr friendly, than Fbi or Sp (second boss is my personal Nemesis), the thing is you need an Add in the Bossfight (not sure if the Ice that Drufi casts count), and there is an option, that makes it viable (but i will not post it here, bc it is clearly not WAI, if you have interest, feel free to pm me in the forum)
And no we didn't use it, we tested it once on the preview server just for fun, and we all knew what will happened, if somebody is using them on live.
I still preferred Shadowborn to Dying breath, at least for boss fights since they had no adds. Now the Bosses in Tomb have plenty of adds and Dying breath is indeed a better option.
She Looked Lvl 18
Here is my Blog
She Looked Lvl 18
Here is my Blog
Just wondering, cause with the bonding changes upcoming, having more "ignoring armor" stuff would seem to work well (lots of armpen on my companion).
And we did get the fix, per the patch notes we got. Whirlwind and shadowborn just don’t work twice within that 12 second window anymore. So you can’t double your output and then double it again before the window closes.