Why cant we have a separate PVP Queue with out any boons, gear, mounts, ect …?
So everyone has the same default stats as each other and no gear gaps.
I saw this in other games too, why not in neverwinter online?
Call it Chuck Norris League or something else.
This is a f2p title with alot of casual players, who like to pvp too.
This could be a way for everyone to do pvp and give it the same reward as for normal PVP Q.
such a Q would need real rewards to encourage player to actually try and not just Q and give up to get thier raw ads
there are tons of suggestion for years already for such modes . and new pvp maps were already announced that are ready in one of the current live dev streams
PVP skill will always matter....honestly it should be the only thing that matters.
Since they stated repeatedly recently that they don't have the resources to do much of anything, I really can't see PVP getting much love any time soon.
The PvP playerbase is already small in this game. So maybe we can attract more player to PvP with an other League.
Yes the resources for PvP in this game are small but a League with out items and default stats should not need much manpower.
With an other league there are more people who play the game and most importen they could play competitive.