Ever since last patch, I have been unable to play because I get this error when I launch the game. However, this makes no sense because just 3 months ago I got a brand new laptop, with a nice shiny GTX 1050 inside. There is no way that my GPU shouldn't be capable of running this game, so why am I getting this error, and how can I fix it?
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Tre'Huggar - 70 HR
Beefthor Battlebeard - 70 GF
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Check out my foundry, titled "Akro's Gone Wacko", featuring our ex-CM Akromatik!: NW-DL8J7BY5T
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|| Axios Guild Leader || Neverwinter Trade Forum Moderator || Infernal Paragons ||
Check out my foundry, titled "Akro's Gone Wacko", featuring our ex-CM Akromatik!: NW-DL8J7BY5T
Erza Moonstalker | Lara Moonstalker | Julie Marvell | Erza Moonhunter | Annie Hellangel | Jenn Moonstalker
Thaumaturge's Time To Shine: A Complete Guide
You mentioned reinstalling your graphics drivers. Have you tried completely reinstalling *Neverwinter*? Like, remove it from the ARC launcher, then delete the folders, yank out registry keys, etc?
It's been mentioned in the Nvidia forums that for some strange reason the CPU is taking control of the PhysX. Nothing specific mentioned about NW though.
Friend of mine was having a crash on start and this seems to have fixed it. Good luck.