on the patch notes about Hunt at
http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/10608104it states:
- All players who engage in combat with a rare monster will now have a chance of earning a trophy when it is killed, regardless of the damage they deal to the target.
- Heroic Encounters now award a T-Rex Fang directly to the inventory when the player earns one.
- Heroic Encounter scoreboards no longer show a T-Rex Fang if the player cannot collect one.
- The amount of loot granted from 1, 2 and 3 star hunt marks has been increased.
- When players engage a rare monster in combat as a group, all players will now have a chance of earning a trophy when it is killed.
Point 1 is only working with TRex, all other rare monster, even hunt 1 star and 2 stars (I have not tested 3 stars) at most drop one trophy which goes through need/greed.
Point 5 is not working at all, probably because of point 1, or vice versa.
But since the last patch, you're right, we have to disband the party or the t-rex only drops 1 fang for the whole party and the first person to touch it, gets it.
The patch notes speak explicitly about trophies and that's what we have tested and not a single time we have got more than a single one trophy dropping as a party, and if one drops it goes through need/greed.
By the way, as far as I know, 1 and 2 stars hunt (I do suppose 3 starts too) are protected against leeching players so only the invoking party gets any drop.
[QUOTE] As you have guessed, if we were to give out guaranteed loot to each party member, not only would we have to reduce the drop rate, but those items would be bound as well. If a hunt monster drops something good for your GWF build, and something good for a friend's DC build, you may get the item you'd like to pass to your friend and be unable to do so.
Actually the current system encourages teamwork and social play. However, since nothing exactly like this has existed in the game before, it will take some time for the social constructs to develop for publicly formed groups to handle loot in a satisfactory way. I'm sure some of you are already experimenting with different approaches: "my pops, my drops," "everyone bring a pop, and free lot on loot," etc.
We'll keep an eye on things and consider making adjustments, but we'd really like to avoid making hunts play out like glorified heroic encounters. [/QUOTE]
If they made all rare spawns drop a trophy for all people, then they would probably further decrease the appearance chance. If they did make all rare spawns drop a trophy, there is no way they would make all T1 hunts that drop a T2 lure competent, give one to every person, if they did, they would have to drastically lower the drop chance of getting that item as well. Otherwise people would be moving through hunts like crazy, and KOS wouldn't be that great of a challenge to work up to anymore.
I totally understand and agree with you and @asterdahl that items (not trophies) should not drop like candy because we don't need hunt to be a main source of AD but of cool equipment.
As an old Monster Hunter player that I am (I hope no one minds that I mention another game in here) I love the feeling of going out with friends hunting those big monsters. This is the reason some of us would prefer that trophies and rare monsters are more common and the chances of equipment are fewer. I don't think anyone of us wants 20 or 30 Hullsnapper, Shaman Mask, Bonespurs, etcetera or any ring lower than +4.