To be brief:
I have a character that I no longer play. I would like to be able to transfer all of the legendary mounts that I have on that character to the current character that I play now. If I have to pay money to make this happen I will grit my teeth and do it.
My hope is that they'll make those character-specific unlocks into account-wide unlocks, essentially making all mounts account-wide. That would change the economics of drop boxes (reducing demand for what is currently the most expensive prize in lockboxes).
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
Thank you.
like whats the point in buying lockboxes ( or even paying vip for that argument) if the *best* so to say drop were to be removed or greatly reduced in price (less ppl wanting it)
like in every other game from this publisher - the best stuff is either sold at a horrendous price OR put into random pack boxes with beyond abysmal drop chances <--- on that topic , china passed a gambling law rtecently for those boxes --- go checkl the % chances for a orange drop , and u knwo whats going on in nw ... little hint , its worse than one in a thousand.... even worse than half that... and even worse than 10 times that...
theres a reason the system is yelling out every goddamn winner :O