Still identifies it is Ready to be Restored even though it already is so I'm not quite sure why that prompt appears in the gear's tooltips in Yellow & Green?
Unrestored Relic - Ready to Restore!
Yet it has been restored and shows the stats like Pally Oathkeepers Restoration Poleyns with 10554 HP, +939 Power, 626 Critical Strike, +884 Defense.
This minor visual bug but be nice to see corrected... I know many others more concerned their is no option to purchase Volinblod with Protector's Seals to aid in empowering the gear other than spending countless hours collecting Relic's for 50, 100, or 250 Volinblod when items that have been discharged can take over 4200 to fully empower.
I know of preview people stated you could buy Volinblod with Seals but perhaps this was changed as you also require it to unlock various parts of the Storm King's Thunder Campaign. Still I think it be nice if aside from collecting Relic's or Quests that drop for 50 Volinblood if you could buy 100 Volinblod for 100 Protector's Seal's in addition to trading them for Abandoned Treasure's in River District.
I will admit my 3 main toon didn't even restore the Relic weapons they simply put them in the trash because the grind was quite severe and this was even before they revised gear score or reduced the item level required for the Master Dungeons. While now all 3 of my main's gear score is well above the limit to do the dungeon's I still have to work my way thru the campaign to unlock the dungeons but I've just been taking my time.
Still I'm not sure I'd want to spend time grinding them out - I finally got 3 River sets and I thought that was rather well 'insanity' and still ended up having to purchase some Writing. But I do agree they should at least provide an option if someone got rid of them to reacquire them even if it required trading volinblod from the campaign store.
But I doubt that will likely occur - not that I will likely miss Relic weapons cause the grind for River was way too much for 1 character let alone 3.