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The White Tower [GH 11/12] looking for alliance mates as well!

Looking for the guild that you fit into best? Tired of seeing the large joining requirements of other guilds in the game? Come join the White Tower, where we have something for everyone and have no joining fee!

What are we looking for?

We're looking for level 65+ active members (preferably 70) who enjoy playing Neverwinter. Our alliance could always use more tanks or healers, so if you like to feel wanted, we're the place for you! If you are looking for a laid back guild that has the ability to do most end game content, we're one to join.

About us:

We are an active guild round the clock, but have the most players playing from 6-11 P.M. EST. Our guild is a fit for casual players who like to unwind with an MMO or those who like to help build a strong community. So far we have a Rank 12 guild hall, with the Power, Defense, Armor Penetration, Incoming Heal Bonus, XP and Mount Speed Boons. We're more of a PVE guild, but have had groups doing PVP as of late. We don't have any requirements to join, but we increase our ranks based on participation and donation levels. The donations from members in our guild recently have been fantastic and has helped us move along swiftly to get everyone more powerful boons. We're a sword guild in the Uncle Sam's Misguided Children (GH 15) alliance and have a good rapport with the other guilds in the alliance so finding groups in the alliance is easy to do. All content is run in the alliance and the big events: DF, Tiamat, etc. have great participation.

The alliance was founded recently on the basis to avoid elitism in the alliance. Unfortunately too many guilds/alliances have become elitist and we want no part of that. If you're interested in joining the alliance as a guild, feel free to reach out as well.

If you're interested or have a question, reply to the forum, or send a message on here.
If you want to do it directly through PSN send a message to omnishock26 or rumblenomicon and we'll go from there!
Post edited by omnishock26#6944 on


  • torndespair#2331 torndespair Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Sounds Nice I play daily. but just sarted a few days ago at lv 45 right now. Name on there is Torndespair I love helping any guild I am in and I am willing to learn any thing I do not know Please hit me with a mes on the game if you all want to know more ty.
  • omnishock26#6944 omnishock26 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Hello torndespair, thank you for reaching out regarding the fact that you're looking for a guild! We'd need a little more information from you in order to invite, but it you want to send your character name and PSN name in a message, we could talk about the possibility of you joining our guild or another guild in the alliance! Glad you're enjoying the game!
  • omnishock26#6944 omnishock26 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Working on Guild Hall 6 as of last night! We're still looking for more active players, especially tanks and heals/buffs, so reach out if you're interested.
    Our Alliance has filled up and is very active, running Dragonflights and other activities every night so come join the party!
  • omnishock26#6944 omnishock26 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Update on the guild/alliance, our helm guild just completed marketplace 4 last night, so everyone in our alliance has access to Dragonflight gear now! If your guild is interested in joining the alliance, reach out and we'll see if it's a fit!

    In terms of The White Tower, we're still in need of active tanks and heals for various content, but accept any active player over level 65! Send a message on here or to @omnishock26 on PSN for an invite.
  • omnishock26#6944 omnishock26 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    We're upgrading to GH 7 now and as soon as it's complete, we'll be working on GH 8!
    Join today! You can reach me on here, or on PSN @omnishock26.
  • omnishock26#6944 omnishock26 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    We're making moves! Our GH 8 has been completed and we have 2 more buildings to finish before starting GH 9. We have an active, social and helpful alliance, so join today!
    Message me on here or on PSN @omnishock26
  • omnishock26#6944 omnishock26 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Update on the guild, we are working towards GH10 and have the power, armor pen, defense, XP boons. Our guild and alliance is active throughout the day and the players cover all content. Join today by messaging on here or on PSN @omnishock26
  • omnishock26#6944 omnishock26 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    We've started building GH 10! If you're looking for a social guild/alliance that can complete all content, look no further! Message me on PSN @omnishock26
  • omnishock26#6944 omnishock26 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Update on our guild, we're a part of the Inglorious Saints alliance, which has a ton of active members and complete all levels of content. Beyond that we're finishing up GH 11 and will be building GH 12 as soon as the construction is complete! We'd love more active players level 65+ to join, so if you're looking for a good guild, look no further! Message me on PSN @omnishock26
  • omnishock26#6944 omnishock26 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    GH 12 and the rank 6 Power boon is complete as of last night! Our alliance is also looking for more guilds to join our non-elitist ranks, feel free to reach out regarding that!

    Join today to experience an active guild/alliance with no elitist behavior, while still completing all end game content! Message me on PSN @omnishock26
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