Need to know if power bonus from that helm works as base power in order to share it through aura gift.
If the answer is yes, wouldnt be this piece BIS for prot?
Also, if there is a list with what works and what doesnt with aura gift, would be very usefull.
Thanks for feedback
(power sharing works similarly for OP and DC)
Not related, but you might also want to know about Aura of Courage
> Need to know if power bonus from that helm works as base power in order to share it through aura gift.
> If the answer is yes, wouldnt be this piece BIS for prot?
> Also, if there is a list with what works and what doesnt with aura gift, would be very usefull.
> Thanks for feedback
I dont know the answer but i do know if you are running fbi/msva jarls gaze is still bis for those dungeons
Regarding fbi, you are trading may be 1k more power from jarlz vs. 7k more hp from wolf. for all around sure wolf is best, for FBI, just not sure