Hello there,
i am currently running multiple loadouts and also swap 1 companion due to this.
I just wanted to know what companion I should swap for Owlbear Cub?
My setup is
Sellsword (active)
Air Archon
Earth Archon
Siege Master
Owlbear Cub
If I am switching to SB what would give the most benefit dps wise?
Currently I am swapping Owlbear Cub for Fire Archon. I also have Erinyes but since I also swap to Dread Enchantment the bonus 10% Crit Severity gives me less dps increase than the Fire Archon imo (even if the effect of the Fire Archon kicks in at 50% health).
What do you guys think? Is the Fire Archon ok for this setup? Would you suggest any other Companion?
[The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)
Con Artist(Active)
Fire Archon
Earth Archon
Air Archon
Siege Master
Crit Severity is no problem since im running with dread. Im really(it means REALLY) OK with my DPS. If i must to change something propably it would be earth archon but i don't have great alternative for now
Dps role.
I am running a Vorpal for HB and Dread for SB. Crit Sev. is maxed from boons etc.
Trying out Fire Archon for a while now and I will stick with it until the new mod drops. Maybe there will be a better choice but we will see.
Erinyes of Belial, 10% crit severity(if crit severity isnt an issue, you could swap this for owlbear cub.)
Siege master, 4% outgoing dmg, 8% on SH map
Earth Archon, 7% dmg when you are at full health, which should be 90% of the time with decent lifesteal/heals.
Fire Archon,(Summoned, legendary) 7% dmg on targets less than 50% hp.
Air Archon(Summoned, legendary), 6% dmg on targets not at full health (so basically all of them).
Sellsword is also a good alternative as a summoned companion for both HB and SB, but compared to other active bonuses, it suck(300 power). only good if summoned for the 10% debuff. Also, u only need one active companion at legendary for the 15% of the summoned pets ratings to its owner if active. This may have changed in mod 12, but it doesnt matter what companion is summoned, you still get the legendary bonus.
For Hellbringer:
Owlbear Cub:If you fail to critically hit, do an additional hit for damage equal to 50% of your power.
Earth Archon, 7% dmg when you are at full health, which should be 90% of the time with decent lifesteal/heals.
Air Archon(Summoned, legendary), 6% dmg on targets not at full health (so basically all of them).
Erinyes of Belial, 10% crit severity.
Con Artist(Summoned, legendary: 300 critical strike (debuff work same way as sellsword and active bonus suck).
I have played a SB Fury for many modules so I can only speak on SB. After you have all your companions, stack crit to the brim.