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I am starting over.. but what class? Please Help

pinkspiderxpinkspiderx Member Posts: 22 Arc User
so i am starting over, i was a DC but i hear OP is easier to play? i solo mainly but occasionally i group. Which would be easier for me (i have bad eyes also) please and thank you.


  • clericalistclericalist Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 595 Arc User
    If you are looking for ease of play and you have bad eyes, then go for CW. They have a lot of AOE that don't require great precision. However, are you sure you want to start over, the amount of modules you have to regrind to get all boons is overwhelming.
  • haden42eehaden42ee Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 62 Arc User
    Can you be more specific about why you dislike your DC? Righteous Divine Oracle has great party utility even at lower item levels and needs only the usual care (enough Armor Penetration, don't neglect your Hit Points, bring a defender pet) for smooth solo play experience.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,521 Arc User
    First, you need to be more specific to define what your "easy" is. Different person has different aspect of easy. For example, easy to survive, easy to kill stuff, easy to progress, easy to kill boss, easy to kill mob, easy to solo, easy to get into party, ....

    For me, CW is not easy. CW was the first character I used and also was the one I decided to "start over" from and never get back to it. 5 five main do not include a CW. :)
    However, it was many years ago.

    In my own preference, GWF is easy to kill. OP is easy to live. TR is easy to play and more fun.
    DC, SW and HR may not be good for eyes though.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • pinkspiderxpinkspiderx Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    Easy as in easy to solo, stay alive and not have to hit a whole bunch o buttons or clicks at once, i liked my DC, she was cute but i wanted to try OP, i used to play CW and while seh was fun i wasnt so good at aiming. i dont like direct sword style characters.
  • veywiil#8685 veywiil Member Posts: 208 Arc User
    None of the classes are 'easy' with having to push very few buttons especially low levels. You can get away with it on Protection Paladins for a while but at 60+ you have to start paying attention.

    The one thing with paladins that makes them so fun is the ability to Animation cancel nearly everything, unfortunately this double or triple my actual buttons pressed. I have noticed in dungeons it looks less like I'm playing a game and more like an instrument with the rotation and combinations in fights. That's years of fine tuning turning combat into dance however.

    Paladins do good damage, have great survivability and perform as OUTSTANDING healers. Sometimes all three at the same time depending on your build choices. I recommend paladin, but I do main one so I am ofc biased. I have tried GWF as well as TR and CW, they did not suit my playstyle. Find something that does suit yours.
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  • pinkspiderxpinkspiderx Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    Which would you chose to solo? DC or OP? Which has more button pushing? also, staying out of the chaos, mostly would DC ranged be better?
  • haden42eehaden42ee Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 62 Arc User
    For minimum button pushing while solo, get GWF and go Swordmaster for Weapon Master Strike at-will. With decent equipment, you can just hold down that mouse button until mobs are dead, move on and repeat. Tab (activating Unstoppable) and encounter powers Hidden Daggers and Daring Shout greatly speed up the damage, but are hardly mandatory for solo play.
  • veywiil#8685 veywiil Member Posts: 208 Arc User
    For solo DC will take forever to level up, paladins will take considerably less time to level up.
    As for actual solo content there is campaigns for boons and then essentially nothing except group dungeons for the whole rest of the game, so stop concerning yourself with solo so intently as it only super relevant for the leveling process.
    I'm a theorycrafter, that means I can answer fairly deep questions with scientific theory, mathematical proof, and some guessing. Ask me stuff!
  • pinkspiderxpinkspiderx Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    I dont mind takign forever to level up, i actually dont like groups that much, i get yelled at a lot because i am slower because of my eyes. and, i like the ranged attacks more than being right up in the thick of things.
  • dupeksdupeks Member Posts: 1,789 Arc User
    I'd say that it's often hard to remember what it's like bringing a new toon up. Many times we are able to pass along some gear (dragon bone weapons, ancient / encorcelled mulhorand, xvim ring, waist, and neck) that scale as you level up which generally make every class easy to burn through.

    However, that's usually not how people want to play the first or second time through.

    I would focus on figuring out what kind of playstyle you enjoy, because the action combat system in this game is very deep and the classes are very different. Some are more easy to solo, but that might not make as much of a difference as finding a mechanic you enjoy exploring.

    It's a shame you didn't like DC (that's my main) because I think it's one of the most versatile classes. We do ranged circle AoEs, some radiant AoEs and have personal damage, party healing, or party utility paths open to us. Obvs for leveling, you'd go with personal damage (righteous)

    OP is great, but much more in the thick of it. A lot of radiant effects and big hits. Oath of Protection gets you a great tank with unique auras and power sharing, or best healer in the game who can tank-heal most content once they are high up there. Probably a bit easier to level as has been said, but much more melee focus.

    I'm thinking SW might be an interesting choice for you. That's damage with some support or heals even. Mostly ranged, and with summoned puppet. Things change at end-game where you have to focus a bit more on dps or party utility but again that's not what I'm really focused on here.

    CW might be OK choice as well, especially since many things actually do freeze on the way up. But bosses can be hard and you're kind of squishy. Mixed of short and long range. The damage mechanics are also a bit strange to understand. If you're interested I'd google around for Sharpedge's guide.

    GWF has a big stick and hits hard, but necessarily in the thick of it. With restoring strike you have decent survivability too.

    TR can also be fun to solo, with stealth to give you a break now and again. But TR is also kind of in the middle of it and jumping around a lot.
  • pinkspiderxpinkspiderx Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    I am just sticking with DC, i know its a bit harer but i really like being able to do ranged attacks and still be able to not be squishy.
  • khandran#2092 khandran Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    SW and maybe DC can be a good choice. But also think CW can be great because of what someone said lots of AoE and you can freeze monsters with icy veins and icy terrain fast! And if you find that CW dies too easily there is easy solution, just use the power called Shield on mastery and you will have much more survivability. SW is also flexible with some AoE and maybe u can even tank if you are temptation. But I found mine to be a bit glass canon around early 70 level.
  • disposablehero#5903 disposablehero Member Posts: 128 Arc User

    SW and maybe DC can be a good choice. But also think CW can be great because of what someone said lots of AoE and you can freeze monsters with icy veins and icy terrain fast! And if you find that CW dies too easily there is easy solution, just use the power called Shield on mastery and you will have much more survivability. SW is also flexible with some AoE and maybe u can even tank if you are temptation. But I found mine to be a bit glass canon around early 70 level.

    There are far better options for the mastery slot that do not require basically giving up an encounter for Shield. Conduit of Ice, for example. Shield is very effective but has limited applications and can often be replaced by other powers for greater utility, especially in PvE.
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