Before key changes Heart of the red dragon was only obtainable from dragonborn pack and reclaimable. Reclaimable items are not usable as refinement.
Since key changes Heart of the red dragon now drops from chests. These drops should be usable as refinement.
Currently sitting on two hearts lvl 93 and lvl 94 that were about to make my symbol of earth mythic until I found out devs goofed it up and dropped red dragon hearts are not usable. Would be great if this could be fixed
IF the dungeon drops are the same item in the toolbox menu, there would be no way for them to tell which ones within the game world need switching.
For artifacts that have versions that do add to refinement and also a version that won't, those are two different items in the games internal inventory. Identical templates except for the drop down or flag that says the equivalent of "useable in refinement, Y/N".
It would be fairly easy to change the loot drop version so that in future it drops as refinement ready, basically copy the original template, change the items id tag, switch the refinement flag, and amend the loot table to drop the new version instead.
But if only one, (the unuseable,) version exists... it would be a complete nightmare trying to backtrack where everyone who has one got it from in order to individually swap them to useable.
But there absolutely needs to be a way to see beforehand, whether an artifact can be used in refining.