First of all I reported this to customer service and they told me to write it here which is utterly nonsense cause then you don't need customer service if they can't pass on the info about a bug.
Secondly, Fey portal stones don't appear within the ornately carved box. I have completed the campaign tasks in the river district (just in case you don't know what campaign the Fey portal stones are from) but the actual task from the journal doesn't get ticked off. Only option to access nostura is to join a group.
So again, campaign tasks finished, but journal doesn't recognize it. Dropped the task and picked it back up again but same result.
If more info needed, ask.
Just to be clear, have you completed "Confront Nostura" campaign task, and if you have, do you have a Fey portal stone in your inventory. Either of those things, not completing the Confront task or having a Fey portal stone in inventory will cause the Fey stone to not be in the box.
The problem is in the quest, investigate notura doesn't complete after end nostura tower