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mail bug?

I've made two separate purchases from the AH that are in my mailbox but can't be retrieved. The "take items" button doesn't respond. Is there a fix for this?


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    mysteriasdrassamysteriasdrassa Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    Are you using an actual mailbox, or just clicking the mail icon in your top bar? Because in order to receive items you have to be using an actual mailbox.. just checking :)
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    riddervold#9543 riddervold Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    Yes...played for a year and a half, R12 VIP...never had this issue...I've tried mailboxes in PE and the summoned one. No response to my GM ticket.
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    riddervold#9543 riddervold Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    Never mind...figured it out. They were profession resources and unbeknownst to me that tab was full. It would be nice if there was an inventory full message instead of the "take items" button just not working.
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