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Leaderboards: How Would You Make Them More Useful?

The same leader boards have been around since the creation of Neverwinter. Skills have changed, powers have been nerfed and buffed and abilities completely overhauled yet we continue to see the same five stats flip by at the end of every dungeon or skirmish. The question I have is since we don't have ACT to rely on like the PC players, what do you guys think seeing on the leaderboards would make them more useful?

My Short list:
1. Mitigated Damage Amounts? - If the Tanks block the damage, it doesn't get recorded...it seems odd that the scoreboard stat that you would think records this is actually looking at the largest punching bag in the group.
2. Debuff %? - Since the cleric's role is no longer to act as a healer (how freaking strange is that statement) it might be nice to know how much support members are contributing to the amount of damage being put out.


  • mordekai#1901 mordekai Member Posts: 1,598 Arc User
    Frankly, I think they are only really Useful to premade groups who queue together with some regularity.
    In my old alliance there were a few guys who liked to vie for top paingiver in Dragon Flights.
    If you're playing the same material with the same people, you can use it to gauge changes in build and rotations.

    I agree that damage taken could stand to be replaced or at least complimented by damage mitigated, (my GF's new Angel of Protection has given him a new lease of life...)
    Maybe the healing score could be split, to show self healing and others healed?

    As far as PUG goes, I think they are more a helpful guide to what an individual is currently delivering than a genuine competitive result. But without the data on what buffs did what, how and when etc, its never going to provide the sort of data that a player can use to hugely improve their build. Unless, like I said before, its with a regular premade.

    I would love to be able to see the combat stat data for a skirmish or dungeon in pdf or something similar. I know you can get some from the chat screen, but its a HAMSTER to read and make sense of.

    Perhaps... and I would ONLY suggest this for premades, there could be a way to aggregate the score by measuring each characters roll vs output, and offer the OPTION (agreed upon prior to starting) of seeing the five rewards at the end, with the winner choosing first, second gets next pick, and so on. You could even end up with Guild runs leaving good rewards for lower level members...
  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    I often wonder about the usefulness of these boards also. On some level it is OK as a comparison from run to run and different group make up, but I think the numbers are really hard to interpret into anything meaningful...Such as I always relate Damage taken as the tanks punching bag record, but I am not really sure what all goes into that number...if I the tank is protected by AA from a cleric, would that go on the Tank or the Cleric stats?

    I wonder if a column could be added to show ranged damage vs melee damage, I am not sure if that would help or not, but it might be interesting to see.

    How about max single hit damage, or personal dps over time, largest single heal...or even number of times you pick up a player....

    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
    OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL

    Casual Dailies
  • omegarealities#7219 omegarealities Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    I would love to see something that would show how much damage was buffed/prevented by my cleric.
  • sinn7777sinn7777 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    honestly leaderboards are currently useless for lots of reasons. game is still wayyyy to broken for leaderboards to even make since. have u seen what a good dc can do for a group or 2x dcs? the only real way to fix leaderboards/class balances is remove all buffs. debuff are ok because u should mitigate the damage (like dg for dc/knights valor/pally passive feats) the thing that's not ok for dps to be hiting millions this ruins the game and kill content for a lot of players in other words its not ok at all. example fixes fray would reduce incoming damage by 25% instead of buffing/ dc buff/defbuff tree reworked to instead of increasing damage by % reduce damage. this could benefit every class if they built around this. classes would be played the right way would probly fix a lot of class balance problems 2. once you do this you would be able to get a beter ideal on what classes need a dps buff or dps nerf. every class has a a purpose. if i took a guess on the % of the current players that played characters ideal based way id say less then 1% and that's depressing.

    ready to get flamed :-) I'm sure lots ppl going to complain about this.
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