Don't be so butthurt. I main a trickster rogue. and I got in fine, though I was also willing to use my secondary cleric to get my marks if the group needed it. And I grindrd out sea of moving ice on a HAMSTER cleric.
All you had to do was make friends. Or be good enough as dps even as a 3200 and you would have had no problem getting in to runs based on players beginning to know who you were.
There was even a double refinement in the middle to get you better.
Or you needed a decent guild/alliance. All things not hard to do.
Or you made a support class alt and ran it on them to get marks. not hard either.
If you knew what you were doing, and could not be a drag on the group, and you were able to show it consistantly, you had no problem getting into groups even as a 3200 item level dps.
The better guys running it remember the names of people from successful runs. You just have to be open to joining parties, listening to instructions, and not be annoying over the mic. Common sense xbox live activity, really.
It was actually amusing to hear 'oh take that guy, he'a good even though he looks like a weird equipped guy, run with him before' or 'no he's garbage even though he's 4.2' in the parties.
Connections. Skills. Willingness to learn. Communication. That got me into groups even on my trickster.
Here's some things I noticed while progressing through the campaign on PC:
If you or somebody is planning on going to Gyrion first to access the Aura of Hope boon, then don't bother, as Aura of Hope just gives you 500 AP Gain (stat), which is effectively useless if you already have a good amount of the AP Gain special stat.
Kabal has an okay boon (+2% Crit Severity + 1000 HP), but is the most annoying of the boss fights and has the most annoying of the jumping puzzles (not hard, but just annoying). Gyrion's boon sucks, but in exchange, his puzzle is simply fast paced, and Gyrion isn't too dangerous of a boss (his most dangerous attack is his version of CW entangling force). Nostura is
You only "need" to run these lairs once to complete their requisite quests (and even those quests are optional to complete I think), but if you want a specific weapon (ex: Fey), you need to complete the requisite confront wizard task (ex: Fey needs Confront Nostura), and I think a few ranks in the Restore Commerce (I think 2 is enough to access the weapons?).
Eventually, another weekly will open up, which asks you to raid one of the wizard's (Gyrion, Kabal, or Nostura) lairs. I would pick Nostura every time if you don't need the new weapons, as her lair is the least annoying/least difficult.
My Pally needs the Nostura boons but I'm also going to try and get the weapons in time for 2x RP in a few weeks - hopefully there's enough time.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
I only care about getting the aboleth weapons right now, couldn't find a walkthrough for it other than having to do the gyrion task, done the first one and still says requirements not met on the weapon so do I have to get another 120 evil things to do the second one and then unlock them for another 120? Maybe I should just get 5 more epic Demogorgon golds and get twisted set? Because I am nowhere near even getting gone relic weapon refined to even use.
I haven't gotten far enough to worry about path yet. didn't even realize there were paths. lol. I've been spending 24/7 grinding IG for pet gear. only need the necklace now.
The order actually doesn't matter much, as long as you make sure to get your weapons in time for double RP which I've heard is coming near the end of May (check the in-game calendar). So for example:
Unlock one of the boss lairs. Start grinding the specific ingredient from boss lair, you'll need 35 of it. Upgrade the merchant path to reduce the store costs x2. Then you can buy your weapons (upgrade store one more time if you are going for several weapon types). Then work towards each boon. Then unlock the Spellplague.
Not sure about faster but you also have a pretty good chance of getting them from the demiplane reward boxes. Plus a chance of drops from ship HEs, decrypted message quest and incriminating documents quest. So yeah, 30 a day is about what others reported (plus 20 from the weekly quest). Ship HEs clearly have a cooldown where EE drop rate goes from almost 100% at first to ~10% or less after the first 2 or 3.
If your storm king weapons are legendary it must be safe to assume that ... 1. Your are a cleric/tank or 2. You grouped with the droves of peeps exploiting the wild storm elixir glitch. Not to sound butt hurt about the situation
Saying that using a glitch is the only way to get your weapons to legendary is laughable. MSVA is easy to get done without a glitch to help you. The only hard part is the RNG in getting the marks.
I don't have legendary weapons but know plenty of DPS who have been blessed by RNG gods and not a one of them glitched. It's sad that this game's RNG makes people assume that someone has to cheat in order to something.
Anyway, regarding the original question, I'm going after SP first since I know my guild will be running it like crazy when it opens up. I can save up for weapons or boons after that. The boons are pretty lackluster anyway.
@rjc9000 After trying all 3 lairs with some guildies, I would say that everyone is going to have a different preference. My core group of 4 all prefer Kabals lair to the other 2 lairs. I actually think Nosturas is just as easy as Kabal's but know people that have struggled with it. Gyrions is my personal hell. I just suck at that fast paced jumping. I've run it a few times with my core 4 and only one of us has managed to get to the end. Luckily, you can transport to the boss fight once one person makes it so it's great to do these with a group to increase the odds of a faster finish.
I don't have problems with any of the lairs, because I practically grew up playing platformers. The boss fights aren't really that bad either, although Kabal is really annoying if you are a bit squishy since you have to take guranteed damage. But, I think that the whole point behind these things was to group up with friends.
I call the 3 lairs "Super Kabal 64", "Gyrion's Edge", and "Nostura Project" because they evoke different skills needed from different games.
(The first feels like World 8-(x) out of a Mario game, the second has fast paced jumping/platforming like in Mirror's Edge, and the third feels like a really really light version of a stage 1 in the Touhou games).
Spellplague is essentially a harder version of FBI. FBI has the benefit of being slightly easier (intended for teams with Twisted/Elemental weapons, not Relic/Mod11 weapons). The only loot difference is the chance at the Fragmented Key of Stars artifact, which is nice, but if you can beat eSP, you've proven you don't need it.
(Well, that's true of a lot of stuff in this game, but the Key feels so underwhelming for the effort needed to get it).
Imho, everyone likes most the lair which they had time to practice in solo. E.g. I've spent good 15 minutes of my first run through Gyrion's lair to learn the jumping. I've got it perfected. I am no longer trying to exit through the entry door . I've got the secret title.
Meanwhile when I'm in Nostura or even Kabal with a PUG team I'm still stressed to go quickly and without enough practice I'm failing a lot. I think it's expected. I actually don't know if I would want to keep going in a big team to these lairs anyway - as the mobs scale up to Epic and challenges are getting more difficult to complete. I'd rather spend 7 minutes on a clean solo run than 15 minutes on waiting for the group to assemble and slowly crawl through the dungeon. I guess the only exception is when someone collects a bunch of keys and want to do a quick farm - ideally in a pair as in that case the mobs are still weak.
W.r.t. to Spellplague - it remains to be seen if the rewards are good enough to bother - so far I've seen enough complains on PC forum that with all the RNG involved the rewards are rather underwhelming (like a rank 5 enchant in a keyed chest).
Having spent a lot of time creating groups to farm MSVA, I'm taking more of a casual approach to this module. That being said though I'm going the Gyrion route to unlock SP. After running through the hellish grind that was module 10 and 10.5 and getting my weapons legendary (legit as a isn't impossible as someone previously stated), i'm using module 11 as a reprieve. The order for me will be dungeon, boons, weapons (to play around with).
Trying to get weapons on my Paladin, so I am working on the EoE for that, and will do the reduce the cost task, it seems worth it and then obtaining the restoration components, so I had to unlock one path in the vertical part of the campaign to work on those, I think that is a total of 525 EoE needed to unlock the parts of the campaign and buy the weapons, so about 21 days +/- some luck on drops of EoE and some math errors, I can't see the costs to get there right now, to get weapons and hopefully be able to restore them the same day.
On my TR I am just going for boons (crit severity I guess) and the dungeon so I am just clicking around trying to get there with minimal EoE layout, so I am not doing the store quests at the bottom just yet.
Update: I've just learned more details about the weekly quest in River District, and I've decided to unlock it first, before heading towards shop & weapons as it saves time in the long run.
To unlock it you need to complete one of the "Confront Gyrion/Kabal/Nostura" campaign tasks which costs another 120 EoE. That would unlock a weekly quest to go to one of the boss lairs (which you would do anyway) with a reward of 20 EoE, 28 Secrets of Many-Starred and 5 Arcanic Focus. Very nice, definitely recommended.
I agree with rjc9000 about boss preference. I started with gyrion and have run it about 15 times. I do it with guildies or solo, and it took a few deaths going solo to learn where the platforms are. I've run Nostura 4 times (all with guildies) and still haven't made the run before someone beats me to it. I've run Kabul 1 time so I'm unfamiliar with the run to the boss. But all the bosses aren't difficult, even solo on my buff/debuff DC.
As for the EoE, it's just like voninblod from SKT; we need a ton of it. So randomdigits is correct in unlocking the weekly as soon as you can for the extra EoE every week.
I don't know if this helps anyone much, but don't bother buying the maps for the dungeon/sewer/crypt as it is easier to complete the mercantile mission daily running HEs. With just 1 more person the small HEs can be done in about 20 minutes for 5 of them. Much quicker if you find a farm, which is almost all of the instances now.
Seeing how Arcanic Focus is becoming a bottleneck if you make acquiring weapon set the first priority in the campaign I would guess that developers were probably imagining that players would first unlock all of the bosses before starting the restoration resource grind, in which case Arcanic Focus scarcity would no longer be an issue.
All you had to do was make friends. Or be good enough as dps even as a 3200 and you would have had no problem getting in to runs based on players beginning to know who you were.
There was even a double refinement in the middle to get you better.
Or you needed a decent guild/alliance. All things not hard to do.
Or you made a support class alt and ran it on them to get marks. not hard either.
If you knew what you were doing, and could not be a drag on the group, and you were able to show it consistantly, you had no problem getting into groups even as a 3200 item level dps.
The better guys running it remember the names of people from successful runs. You just have to be open to joining parties, listening to instructions, and not be annoying over the mic. Common sense xbox live activity, really.
It was actually amusing to hear 'oh take that guy, he'a good even though he looks like a weird equipped guy, run with him before' or 'no he's garbage even though he's 4.2' in the parties.
Connections. Skills. Willingness to learn. Communication. That got me into groups even on my trickster.
If you or somebody is planning on going to Gyrion first to access the Aura of Hope boon, then don't bother, as Aura of Hope just gives you 500 AP Gain (stat), which is effectively useless if you already have a good amount of the AP Gain special stat.
Kabal has an okay boon (+2% Crit Severity + 1000 HP), but is the most annoying of the boss fights and has the most annoying of the jumping puzzles (not hard, but just annoying).
Gyrion's boon sucks, but in exchange, his puzzle is simply fast paced, and Gyrion isn't too dangerous of a boss (his most dangerous attack is his version of CW entangling force).
Nostura is
You only "need" to run these lairs once to complete their requisite quests (and even those quests are optional to complete I think), but if you want a specific weapon (ex: Fey), you need to complete the requisite confront wizard task (ex: Fey needs Confront Nostura), and I think a few ranks in the Restore Commerce (I think 2 is enough to access the weapons?).
Eventually, another weekly will open up, which asks you to raid one of the wizard's (Gyrion, Kabal, or Nostura) lairs. I would pick Nostura every time if you don't need the new weapons, as her lair is the least annoying/least difficult.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Unlock one of the boss lairs. Start grinding the specific ingredient from boss lair, you'll need 35 of it.
Upgrade the merchant path to reduce the store costs x2. Then you can buy your weapons (upgrade store one more time if you are going for several weapon types). Then work towards each boon. Then unlock the Spellplague.
Plus a chance of drops from ship HEs, decrypted message quest and incriminating documents quest. So yeah, 30 a day is about what others reported (plus 20 from the weekly quest). Ship HEs clearly have a cooldown where EE drop rate goes from almost 100% at first to ~10% or less after the first 2 or 3.
I don't have legendary weapons but know plenty of DPS who have been blessed by RNG gods and not a one of them glitched. It's sad that this game's RNG makes people assume that someone has to cheat in order to something.
Anyway, regarding the original question, I'm going after SP first since I know my guild will be running it like crazy when it opens up. I can save up for weapons or boons after that. The boons are pretty lackluster anyway.
@rjc9000 After trying all 3 lairs with some guildies, I would say that everyone is going to have a different preference. My core group of 4 all prefer Kabals lair to the other 2 lairs. I actually think Nosturas is just as easy as Kabal's but know people that have struggled with it. Gyrions is my personal hell. I just suck at that fast paced jumping. I've run it a few times with my core 4 and only one of us has managed to get to the end. Luckily, you can transport to the boss fight once one person makes it so it's great to do these with a group to increase the odds of a faster finish.
I don't have problems with any of the lairs, because I practically grew up playing platformers. The boss fights aren't really that bad either, although Kabal is really annoying if you are a bit squishy since you have to take guranteed damage. But, I think that the whole point behind these things was to group up with friends.
I call the 3 lairs "Super Kabal 64", "Gyrion's Edge", and "Nostura Project" because they evoke different skills needed from different games.
(The first feels like World 8-(x) out of a Mario game, the second has fast paced jumping/platforming like in Mirror's Edge, and the third feels like a really really light version of a stage 1 in the Touhou games).
Spellplague is essentially a harder version of FBI. FBI has the benefit of being slightly easier (intended for teams with Twisted/Elemental weapons, not Relic/Mod11 weapons). The only loot difference is the chance at the Fragmented Key of Stars artifact, which is nice, but if you can beat eSP, you've proven you don't need it.
(Well, that's true of a lot of stuff in this game, but the Key feels so underwhelming for the effort needed to get it).
Meanwhile when I'm in Nostura or even Kabal with a PUG team I'm still stressed to go quickly and without enough practice I'm failing a lot. I think it's expected. I actually don't know if I would want to keep going in a big team to these lairs anyway - as the mobs scale up to Epic and challenges are getting more difficult to complete. I'd rather spend 7 minutes on a clean solo run than 15 minutes on waiting for the group to assemble and slowly crawl through the dungeon. I guess the only exception is when someone collects a bunch of keys and want to do a quick farm - ideally in a pair as in that case the mobs are still weak.
W.r.t. to Spellplague - it remains to be seen if the rewards are good enough to bother - so far I've seen enough complains on PC forum that with all the RNG involved the rewards are rather underwhelming (like a rank 5 enchant in a keyed chest).
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On my TR I am just going for boons (crit severity I guess) and the dungeon so I am just clicking around trying to get there with minimal EoE layout, so I am not doing the store quests at the bottom just yet.
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To unlock it you need to complete one of the "Confront Gyrion/Kabal/Nostura" campaign tasks which costs another 120 EoE. That would unlock a weekly quest to go to one of the boss lairs (which you would do anyway) with a reward of 20 EoE, 28 Secrets of Many-Starred and 5 Arcanic Focus. Very nice, definitely recommended.
As for the EoE, it's just like voninblod from SKT; we need a ton of it. So randomdigits is correct in unlocking the weekly as soon as you can for the extra EoE every week.
I don't know if this helps anyone much, but don't bother buying the maps for the dungeon/sewer/crypt as it is easier to complete the mercantile mission daily running HEs. With just 1 more person the small HEs can be done in about 20 minutes for 5 of them. Much quicker if you find a farm, which is almost all of the instances now.