Hi all, Meat here From Unstoppable Force

We are about to do our monthly clear-out of inactives so will have around 5 free spots for people to join us. We normally just recruit through friends/word-of-mouth but I thought it would be a good idea to post on the forums for visibility.
Anyway, here's a bit about us;
We are a relatively new guild who have progressed a lot over a short space of time due to the efforts of our awesome members:)
We are GH14. We have rank 7 boons (power, arp, defense & HP). We are building GH15 currently then going straight to GH16 with rank 8 boons.
We are an adult, laid back guild but are extremely active. We are nearly always at the 149 cap other than when we carry out our monthly inactive clearance. You'll normally find at least 30 people online at any one time and we have had over 80 online recently at peak time.
Most of our members are 3k+ with enough (around 50) 3.5-4.3k members able to clear all of the current end-game content within the guild alone.
We are mainly UK/EU based but have a fair few Americans (probably around 70/30 UK/EU to American). We have people who speak all kind of languages in guild but our guild chat is English
We are part of one of the largest alliances on the PS4 with a GH18 helm guild (currently building 19).
So what do we expect of new members who would like to join us? Not much; just that you are committed, active, adult & friendly. We are not a guild that demands any sort of membership fee or has any compulsory a/d donations. We operate on the principle that if people are happy in the guild and buy into it we will make the progress we need. That being said we really do not want any freeloaders since it would be unfair on all of the members who have given so much to get us this far, so regular coffer donations are a must (from dailies and such).
Here are our general requirements for joining;
-GS 2800 for support (clerics, OP & GF). GS3000 for DPS (I have set these requirements not for elitist purposes, purely because most of our players are doing fbi & msva most of the time. A lower GS player may struggle to get as many runs simply because they will be unable to enter the content). We are mainly looking for 3.1k plus clerics & tanks.
-A min of 3 days worth of Stronghold dailies complete per week (so 1200 influence, 60 adventurer shards and 30 heroic shards). We ask our guild members to complete Stronghold dailies on every day they play.
-Regular contributions to our coffer targets (we won't kick people for this unless they really take the
HAMSTER but it is only fair that if people join to benefit from our boons they also help us progress)
-Drama free. We don't want any hotheads or people who think it is acceptable to be an
HAMSTER to other members or create drama in our alliance. We're not into censorship or stopping people having fun (our guild chat is pretty x-rated lol) but we'd like people to be respectful.
What you'll get from us;
-A non-elitist bunch of high level players with a huge and helpful alliance.
-Boons- we have rank 7 boons (5k power, 5.6k defense, 5k arp & 22,400 HP)) and will quickly progress to rank 8 boons.
-Gear- we have a rank 7 market so the ability to masterwork and buy dragonflight gear and rank 6 food
-Regular dragonlight and all end-game dungeons either via guild or alliance (we can farm msva in guild alone and kill all 4 dragons multiple times per session, multiple times per week)
-We try to guarantee that every member who wants it will get at least 1 msva & fbi run per week (we have multiple teams running fbi daily and at least 50 players able to clear msva, more every day).
-Commitment and activity- We play ALL the time (I think I may have a problem xD) and the guild is always replacing inactive players to keep up progress.
So if you'd like to join us or ask any further questions about us please contact;
Meatfeast@solidsnakebulge (UF guild leader)
Medic's Unprotected@thesircastic1 (Guild leader's right hand)
Ella@Ella_GT90 (Guild Officer)
Fish Fingers@pooiemcstainy (Guild officer)
You can catch us either in game or via PSN. We tend to fill up pretty fast so if you message us but we're full we'll keep you in mind after our following clearance.
Please contact us in-game rather than sending me messages via the forum.
If the above people are offline then please speak with any of our guild officers via the guild search tool.
*edit 05/04/17 we are building GH15 and have 4 free spots
Jamrocks - 70 CW
plus 8 extra characters that I thought I was only buying 4 ended up being doubled.
Lesson Learned
#1- Read small print before making Zen purchases
#2- Do not be Hebrewinated (aka drinking) while making purchases
#3- Refer back to Rule #2
Member of The House Stargaryen PS4
Special preference given to tanks (especially GF's) who we really need in our endgame teams
If i can join please contact me on psn: Calvin2128
We have plenty of maxed ilvl players as well as fast developing mid ilvl players.
For a guild that doesn't require any donations we're advancing at a pretty impressive rate and allows our guildies to focus that hard earned AD towards their own characters progression
4,300 Tankadin
Gimme a shout if there's an opening or whatever, look forward to hearing from you either way.
Updated first post. We are currently building GH15 and then straight to 16 with rank 8 power, arp, defense & HP boons
We have recently removed inactives and have 4 free spots. Please contact me in game either via Psn or in-game mail if you'd like to join us.