With the new Masterwork Weapons and gear being released, does anyone have the information on the items needed to craft the new items?
Side Question:
Are the Materials from the New Scroll Cases Out shadowing the Old? ( Will old materials still be used to make some of the new gear/armaments. Or have the new mats completely taken over? )
I did notice that old recipes were require to unlock the recipes, but I'm trying to find out more information regarding the materials for the new recipes, I figured the new materials will be needed, but I'm looking to see if some of the older mats will be needed in the recipes themselves. I've been doing a good amount of hording of mats as well but I'm trying to be a step ahead. (I'm on Xbox) Any further info you come across would be super helpful and I appreciate the response!
A simple example: To complete the first Leatherworking task, 500 Aberrant Leather. To collect this leather it takes 15 minutes with a good worker (returns 2 pelts). So you need to run all 9 slots and reset them 55 times, to get the pelts. Then you have to refine them (don't know how long that is). That comes to around 13 hours of work for the pelts and more for refining. Keep in mind, you have to be there, logged in, to reset these tasks every 15 minutes.
I enjoy crafting usually in games, but NW just makes it too tedious, and it takes far to long to actually be productive. Way to many steps, way to many false premises (why can I make FAR more pelts by running tasks for 40 minutes than by running an 8 hour task? Why do I need to make 5 seperate items (each requiring components to be crafted), to make one high level item....)
Even though I like crafting, I'll just craft RP and run dungeons, then buy this stuff if needed. Which is a shame.
Sort of ironic, when they aren't needed, they are everywhere and cheap. the moment people need them, they are gone. Exactly what happened recently.