Poll - Should Lunging Strike Have piercing damage?
so first let's look at lunging strike itself.
Charge at your foe, and finish with a hearty stab that also damages enemies in a cone behind them.enemies damaged by the cone receive 2/3rd damage, but you still build full threat against them.
This power grants you 50% increased damage resistance for 3 seconds.
Range: +5ft
Range: +5ft
Range: +5ft .
Very nice power indeed but i feel as if for pvp content and even pve this power would be amazing if it just had a little piercing damage added to it or physical damage,or maybe even just a damage buff,or maybe even a dot damage.
Don't get me wrong this power is perfect for pve content but if this power was re done not the move or animation but the way it works it could open up alot more for the gfs build wise in pvp

what about for example
Charge at your foe, and finish with a hearty stab that also damages enemies in a cone behind them when struck the targets take a additional hit of physical damage for every foe struck?.enemies damaged by the cone receive 2/3rd damage, but you still build full threat against them.
This power grants you a healing over time this healing over time now grants 10%
of you're total hp over 5/10/20 seconds.
see looks really nice now dose it now ?.
Range: +5ft +5 physical damage or + 2seconds to damage over time or +5 piercing damage
Range: +5ft +5 physical damage + 2seconds to damage over time or piercing damage
Range: +5ft . +5 physical damage + 2seconds to damage over time or piercing damage.
this power can be very very usefully in pvp i know its already perfect for pve content but i would appreciate some constructive criticism and for you guys to leave what you think
please take 2 seconds to do this yes or no poll so i can see if you guys agree or not
thank you for you're time.
Piercing damage? I'd say no for sure. Mind you I'm a PVE player, don't care about PVP.
LS was great like it was, damage was good and if it would be brought back to it's initial form - I'd say piercing damage would be unnecessary.
A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
2). Yes. I am panzer!
3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
Piercing damage has always been controversial. Search in the Thieve's Den, you'll find a dozen threads explaining why. There are constant calls for peircing damage nerfs.
No way do we need GFs drawn into that controversy.
BTW, this is not how you poll on the forum.
When you create a thread choose "Poll" instead of "New Discussion" and it will give you a structured poll with results tallied.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
"my thred allso talks about physical damage or a damage over time what do you think about those ?"
Wouldn't you rather have them fix some broken GF skills first?
The Protector Capstone Iron Guard is broken (does not stack). That is an A priority.
Far more important then boosting damage of lunging strike.
I guess. Will not denounce any Improvement to a GF power. I just think LStrike is already pretty good. Or allow ITF to be fired while shield is up. I would love that.
But if they increased physical damage to LStrike I would say... okay, I guess. C priority to me.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
I think the GF is currently in a great position and whilst some things need fixing I wouldn't go calling for extra abilities.
On piercing damage in general, I've always been of the opinion that in pvp it should ignore DR but it should be 100% effected by tenacity. This would help rein in both the HR and TR pvp imbalance without nerfing their skills.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
In PvP he over-performs as the perma-blocking, insta-running, one-rotating class.
He can turtle-up with shift for so long and block everything, even heal back with daily if needs be. All that while he can hold aggro with a simple encounter click.
Has unfairly immense burst damage for a tank, that no dps class (even in a full dps build) can match. And that is not only in PvP, but a GF can actually do this in PvE, where you'll see him achieving paingiver in raids over some real hdps characters.
Has the best control, knocking down the player and proning him while he can only watch. A whole enemy party may attack the tank for long, but it needs just a moment (not even a blunder on the enemy's side, and even if the GF lacked skill) for the enemy to get thrown down and one-rotated.
Has amazing buffs, that only need one simple click (unlike let's say DC's and OP's and SW's that are in dailies, charges, empowered, hold you still/in one place). He can mark all opponents, can double his damage and lock target, can give 30% damage boost to team all the time, and can boost encounter damage.
Has excessive mobility with passive feature that gives speed, can rush charge opponents, even has such a high speed from encounter. Lunging Strike is Aoe damage, charge, threat.
Lacks some piercing damage or control effect or a team buff ? Seems to me it actually doesn't.
For me, and as far as PvP is concerned, nothing else spoils the PvP experience more than this state of GF.
This is my point of view, but do consider this please, does this class really need piercing damage ? xD
You may win a thousand fights, but you can only lose one.
Heals with daily in pvp? Lol