I have completed the Alchemy Profession all the way to Level 25 on both my Trickster Rogue and Guardian Fighter, but the profession task to make Unified Elements did not appear on either of them.
Reaching level 25 I accepted the task 'Learn Missing Recipes'. Upon accepting, it appeared to do something, but the task to create Unified Elements still did not appear. As you will see from the screenshot, I now only have one rank 25 task, 'Rank 25 Experimentation'.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say that I've read online that the task "Create Elemental Aggregate" in the Alchemy Profession, states that it takes 7 days to make them and that creating the Unified Elements has an utterly offensive time span of
12 days just to make one. Considering the number of Profession tasks that require them I think these are absolutely ridiculous times and have obviously been set at these time span's to hopefully make the player purchase them through your Auction House. Both of these should be set at a 2 day time span at the very most. They are completely out of line with the rest of the profession tasks and I hope you will reconsider this and bring them back inline with the other tasks whilst fixing this bug.

I believe there is also a problem with the "Leadership Profession". On the Trickster Rogue I have reached Rank 20, only rank 10 on the Guardian Fighter. On the Rogue I only have 1 task per rank level and level 15 is missing. My Guardian Fighter is looking very similar at this stage. I have attached a screenshot of the Trickster Rogue's Leadership Profession.
I don't see a screenshot, but You need to run the task Rank 25 Experimentation and learn 3 more recipes. You are not finished until you have done all experimentation.
As for leadership, make sure you have it set to show all tasks including those with missing ingredients. You may compare your list to the wiki. I suspect you may find this is also a false alarm. Most tasks only have 2 per level one common and one rare and you may not see them depending on your settings. The one at 15 isn't really dependent on anything special except a proper worker, inf armor and inf weapon.
Alt - Freaya Lvl70 (CW 33XX)
Alt - Demonic Iccy Lvl70 (TR 27XX)
Guild - Windows Central (GH14)
"Unfortunately, it seems you have run into a gameplay bug which will require developer assistance in order to be resolved".
Why have a task called "Learn Missing Recipes" if you don't get to all of learn the missing recipes.
Leadership is set to show all tasks.
Anyway, thanks again.
Leadership - higher level task require higher leadership ranked people and assets. I would guess you are missing the required items, but it is hard to tell exactly without being able to see the screenshots.
OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL
Casual Dailies