Another potential way of balancing PVP for people who want to have fun is to allow level locking. It's a simple concept, it simply puts your XP bar on hold until such time as you decide to unlock it keeping you forever at the current level until you chose to level up again.
This allows people who want to PVP without crazy campaign boons the ability to level lock before hitting 70. It would allow you to twink your toon, but only so far. This works perfectly in PVP, everyone has the potential for relatively equal footing in comparison to lvl 70 PVP. It could allow PVP to be more fun at say level 60-69 where you can lock and PVP. Tired of being one shotted by that TR? Level lock at 40-49 and be shocking free!
It's a super easy fix with very little coding involved that could allow players who want to PVP to steer clear of 70 PVP unless they consent to it
If you think it's a good idea, throw up a +1, if you think there are downsides (besides twinking, because everyone can do that) then mention them in the comments.
Thanks for your feedback!
On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"
Now look at level 70 Artifacts, weapon sets, three set bonuses, prestige gear, mounts, mount insignias, mount powers, enchants, legendary rings, weapon bonuses, artifact set bonuses, gear bonuses .. etc. etc. etc. and most of all CAMPAIGN BOONS. It's like putting a lvl 70 against a lvl 160.
I don't think you've looked at the differences m8 but carry on with that line of thought.
Amazing idea op...
I was on the verge of starting a lv 10-60 pvp resurrection thread before I clicked this post.
This would be an great temporary solution to the broken pvp problem...
As it stands when I ding 70 I just transfer all enchants and mount insignias down to a new toon and restart the process.
Since pvp is the main draw of this game for me I have no interest in grinding for months to be half-geared for 70 pvp. I burned myself out a while back from life at 70, rerolled a new toon, and liquidated my 70's assets.
I don't need this game to become a 2nd job, you know? So yes to xp off pvp!
I don't really know too many good MMORPGs that encourage overgeared players to prey on weaker competition and if any allow it, I'm sure it is frowned upon.
We are both fighting for the same thing, a better PVP. We just have different ideas. I think we should all pressure for some normalization of gear because tenacity and gear differences is the biggest factor in imbalanced matches (imho).
The reason lower level pvp is more equal is the same as why things weren't quite as bad before mod 6 hit. It's the use of the old stat curves with diminishing returns rather than anything to do with those so dreaded boons. For all that people rave about how bad boons are, when you actually look any sort of data it gets pretty obvious that it's Gear>Mounts>Boons if you look at what decides a fight between a fresh 70 and a BIS toon. This is without even considering the fact that it takes about a month to farm all the boons in game. And the last time I saw a serious timeline for someone gearing up, without outside help, to 3k, which is barely enough to make a dent these days, was 6 months in comparison.
I get the appeal of a game mode where you'd never be forced to step into pve, or work for any gear for that matter, again no mater what new content gets added. It makes zero financial sense for the devs to give us that however. If equalized arena fights are what we want why can't we ask for that straight up? Instead of asking for a mode where people would be slaughtering opponents with half their stats instead of a quarter of them.
PS. on boons 4/8 pve boon trees open up before level 70. So 60s pvp at least would still have those if locked.
As far as asking for balance it's been done, like a lot, here's my latest example:
Anyone who "twinks" will have set foot in PVE and continue to do so most likely to keep their main in top form, they may even go PVE entirely with them and ignore PVP at that level because it's dull fighting pugs who have less than 1/4th of your stats or boons or gear etc, etc, etc. PVP is never 'forced' on anyone, they go in of their own accord... whether at level 40, 50,60, or 70. This simply allows more players to have more balanced matches where the "MAX" cap is miles lower than at 70. I've seen this work in other games, it's a beautiful thing. The sad part, and believe me if you knew me you'd know how sad this is, is that I must make this as a suggestion for balance sake. However, it's come to this point. Either balance, do something like this as a holdover or temp fix, or figure out some other means of correcting the issue. PVP is terribad at this point at lvl 70. This is an easy fix.
Thanks for your time.
I just cannot inherently support the idea of pushing for 60-69 PVP for all the reason's I've stated already. We've (Cryptic for the most part) polluted level 70 PVP and now we're moving to a different land to dumb all our trash in.
I'd rather push for gear normalization and an algorithm more focused on player's item levels than anything.
That said, I'm already pushing for gear normalization, at this point, frankly, I'm willing to suggest anything that might bring back some balance and interest in PVP. That's my whole gist brother, I want the Devs to do SOMETHING that will help increase PVP population, fun, skill, and balance.
To that end, until I see some move on their part, I come up with creative suggestions in hopes they may give us some crumbs from the PVP table.
Level locks 10-19 with T.Vorp on a Lashing Blade
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
But that would mean many of us playing for fun without being pressured into buying nothing more than what we already have. Bad for the devs. The PVP grief caused by all the stuff detailed in your other thread is a great stimulus for spending. Ive seen it first hand with people i know who throw money at the game just to be competitive in PVP.
The reason I ask is so that I can make a couple of points:
1) Anyone who levels up an alt already twinks them with rank 12's and transcendents, they're already in lowbie PVP. So it is there, if to a lesser degree, even now.
2) Right now it takes anywhere from a day and a half to a week (or longer if you reeaaally drag your heels) to get to level 70. Unlike many games, running the story line gets you to level 70 very quickly. Now, if you want the elemental weapons and all that, it may take longer because you stall in each area there but you can be 70 pretty fast in comparison to some other MMOs end games.
That said, "lowbie PVP" isn't a huge thing right now, it's a means to an end and kinda fun for some people as they level. Then they hit level 70 and are suddenly like "WTF IS THIS?!@!?" and quit PVP anyway.
The idea that if we drop PVP down and level lock it's going to destroy even more PVP doesn't make any sense. Once people reach level 70 they stop PVPing as it is. If we drop it down, lowbies may be less inclined to PVP (although even an ungeared players with rank 7's and a lesser vorpal would have WAAAAAYYY more chance to kill a BIS at that level) but the only difference is that they quit PVP now instead of later.
I don't think, however that would entirely be the case, right now fresh level 70's can try and 5v1 a BIS player and he'll insta kill them all. That WILL NOT happen at low levels. At best it gives them an advantage in 1v1 situations, but the HP, the Heals, the Gear sets, the Artifacts, the Weaponsets, the Campaign boons WILL NOT be there to save them or deflect and kill pugs or heal them etc....
tl:dr I understand where you're coming from but I think you're missing aspects of the current PVP paradigm vs. what this suggestion entails.
Thanks for your reply.
If there is any hope of maintaining balance or a fair fight at the low levels, enchants need to have a minimum level added ... no way a level 19 character should be allowed to use a transcendent vorpal or a rank 12 radiant. Right now the PvP population is low ... very low. Primarily because of the fact that new players have no chance to get into level 70 PvP without getting repeatedly abused by 4K+ monsters. So of course many quit at that point ... level 70 PvP needs to toss the ELO system and move to a simple item level based set of queues - but that's a separate issue. What you are suggesting will actually encourage twinking and make it so new players cannot even enjoy PvP leveling to 70 just so a few twinked out players who cannot handle level 70 PvP can enjoy being on top of the pile. You are right, it would drive them all away at a far lower level than 70, and that's not good for the future of PvP at all. The goal should be to bring new players in to PvP, not find new ways for old players to abuse the new players.
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
PS1: to those who mention the example of trans vorpals at level 20 - I don't think that is even feasible as weapon- and armour-slots in equipment only appear at level 60 if I am not wrong.
PS2: @tolkienbuff I do like the list of PvP issues you enumerate in your other post; I did ask you, there, whether you have an idea about how to concretely achieve those changes (coordinating inter-alliance efforts, lobbying, PUSH PUSH PUSH) but you did not reply. Maybe you tend to think it is all futile.
Aelan Icebleed (CW)
Aelan Icebleed (CW)