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Why is it now that when i get on to enjoy the game i constantly have to TURN CAMERA SHAKE OFF.. this is most annoying... i thought the whole purpose of the "Save and Exit" option was to save your settings... how does this setting ignore this? This bug can cause some frustration with people that suffer from vertigo... for example me.. its easy to go in and turn it off but it resets to ON every time i swap toons.

Please fix this bug..it should be simple and hopefully it wont take 5 mods to repair.


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    elspeth#6420 elspeth Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Ok. Maybe you guys wanted a dramatic flair but the shaking of the cam is NOT a good thing to restrict from being turned off. For people with motion sickness or visual issues *or epilepsy * you're making it hard to play for any length of time without problems. Please address this!
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    trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    Not sure if you can find the option but it can be turned off

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    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
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    It's either not sticking or changes back when you switch characters/zones on PS4
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    xbenny78x#1750 xbenny78x Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    You can turn it off, but when you switch characters, it comes back.. What a joke...
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    morgrim66morgrim66 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    Its a terrible feature. Why would they spend time on something like this instead of something worthwhile?
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    tigerdrsk#8993 tigerdrsk Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    Camera shaking can be "Saved" per character to be disabled, but as soon as you close the app and restart it later it does bring it back to being on and this is a way to make the game unplayable. It needs to be removed. I think the camera shake is partially what's causing the underwing dread wing and other areas from being unplayable from this being introduced. It seems like if there's any area that's not the normal appearance that camera shake is part of the problem.
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    damontar#5477 damontar Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    WELL GUESS WHAT... The devs fixed alot of stuff that helps the game ( or hurts it) but still IGNORES ISSUES WITH THE CAMERA SHAKING ON THE PS4.. So is it because they themselves do not have Vertigo, Epilepsy or Visual Issues due to the Camera Shake.. ???

    I was happy to see in patch notes that SOME Graphic issues concerning blah blah blah, and had a glimmer of hope that the camera shake was included in this... glimmer gone..

    Am I upset about this? Hell yeah I Am... I suffer from Vertigo and have mild Epilepsy. I may not remember to TURN THE CAMERA SHAKE OFF every time i switch characters or zones.. do back to back dungeons or skirmishes.... and the shaking , for me at least, can cause some medical issues that i rather not get from playing a game with NO WARNING about it Possibly causing these issues....

    Might want to fix it or post a warning upon the game starting up...

    thank you for your time. again..
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    grendlerose#7658 grendlerose Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    just fyi, waited till after the update, but this is still broken, you cannot turn AND keep it off between character switches or logoffs. sorry if double post i dont have desire to look at any other posts however i feel bugs should be reported
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    chimeraxchimerax Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    kreatyve said:

    This is being investigated by the devs.

    While they are Fixing the Camera Shake option not saving, how about they also fix the Camera Sensitivity not saving. Camera Sensitivity has not been saving since the game was launched.
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    xmendes#9182 xmendes Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    pls guys.. fix it .. this camera shake is annoying... everyday i try disable this .. i have 3 chars and this problem occurred in all of them. pls post when this problem will be resolved. tks
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